A Secret Is Never Kept Secret

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( Meme Owner: Me!!!! )

I watched the pod carefully as I sat on my desk. I looked at the monitor again. It was about five in the afternoon. Any minute now.

I stood and walked over to the pod on my berth. I sat beside it and held it close. I made a vow, and I will keep it.

I felt the pod shake a bit. I jumped and watched it. It shook like an egg and stopped. Then, it happened. A cry for help.

I tore the pod open with all my might and the cry stopped. I looked in the pod to see the little sparkling I promised to protect. To protect as if it were my own.

The sparkling had the features of his sire and the eyes and color of her carrier. Every curve was a sharp point for the small sparkling. Not an edge not sharp with dangerous metal. The shoulder plates were like Knockout's, layered like what a human would call a cake. The edges were the sharpest out of every other on his body. You touch it lightly, and energon would leak. And his eyes..... like Breakdown's. A bright yellow, but, with a hint of black around the edges. Everything but his eyes were midnight black, perfect for the inside of the pod.

I watched as the tiny child raised his tiny sharp servos with a playful smile on his face. I chuckled at his feature. He looked like a deadly cinnamon roll.

The sparkling turned all happy to a quivering lip and sad optics. A tiny whimper in his throat and his servos still up.

I quickly put my servos slowly and carefully under his arms and picked him up. The wires around him broke to it was easy. I held him to my chest and he smiled, sucking his thumb and closing his eyes.

I sighed as he listened to my spark thump. He reminds me so much of his mother. The little thumb, listening to a spark, being an adorable death cinnamon roll.

Then I froze. He needs energon. I can't leave him here by himself! I should have gone some before I came in here....

"Commander? Are you in there?" Asked a voice. I knew it right away. Starscream.

"Uh, she's busy, Lord Starscream. Uh, recharging! She doesn't like it when you interrupt her recharge!" I heard Breakdown cover for me. I frantically looked around to hide the sparkling.

I just found the pod and sighed. I gently placed the child inside and he opened his optics.

"Eh?" He made a cute high pitch baby noise. I jumped and put my finger to my mask and told him to be quiet.

"What was that?" Starscream asked, now highly suspicious.

I grabbed the pod lid and took a deep breath. I put the pod back in and the child turned confused.

"Ba ba boo?" He lightly tapped on the lid. "Ba? Ba goo goo ga?" He tapped again.

"I'm going in there. Step aside!" Starscream said.

I took a deep breath and opened the lid. I quickly grabbed the sparkling and carried him. He sucked his thumb and was quiet. I quickly looked around and looked up. There were beams.

I quickly jumped and climbed. The sparkling payed no mind, and was relaxed in my arms.

Starscream ran in and aimed his missile. He looked around and growled. I had hid the pod under the berth, so the pod was hidden. For now. Breakdown walked in and Knockout next. He must have been watching from the sidelines.

"Well," Starscream faces the two mech with a look of anger. "Is this a game to you two?"

"N-no, Lord Starscream! We just much have missed her! She might be out for another drive!" Knockout said quickly.

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