Back From The Dead

998 23 87

(Artist: chibigingi - *SNORT*)

(Song Above: Human)


I stared at the pasted out ex-mech-Decepticon. His cracked frame caused my spark to squeeze tightly. My optics grew hot as I looked him over.

Lubricant began to fall down my face. My throat became clogged. My 'lungs' were tight.

I placed my helm in my servos and let my sobs out. Lubricant continued to fall through my hands to the floor. My cries were loud, echoing off the walls.

"Why did you have to leave me?" I sobbed. "We were happy. I don't know what I am without you... You lifted my spirits, encouraged me, laughed with me..." I Bit my tongue and tried to hold my Sobs in before anyone could hear.

"Breakdown..." I looked at the 'mech' with tears in my optics. "I never got it tell you... Now Silas turned you into an experiment... a monster... I can't remember how many times I have just sat here staring at my hands... Transforming my saw to my hand then to saw again... Confused...." I sniffed my tears and held my servo over my spark.

I stood and walked over to my partner. I spread my arms around him in a hug.

"I miss you more than you could ever know..."


I looked at the Commander. "I understand your choice, but could you reconsider?"

She crossed her arms and cocked her hip. She gave me a look of 'really?'

I cleared my throat and looked at my peds. "I want to have some help. Ever since I lost Breakdown I've become distant, you know? Having your help would be nice..."

She sighed and laid a servo on my shoulder. I looked into her shades. She gave a soft smile.

'I'm sorry, Knockout,' She began. 'I can't help you no matter how much I want to. But whenever I can I will.'

"I see..." I sighed. "I must not waste anymore of your time." I quickly turned around and walked out before she could speak.

I took a deep breathe and looked at the ceiling. I held my lubricant back and sighed.

I wanted her to help me with Silas and possibly bring Breakdown back. It could be possible. Silas brought his body back to life, his brain. Breakdown could still be in there.

I made it to Med Bay and closed the door. I stared at the door a moment before clasping to the ground in a low sob.

I wiped my tears and took deep breathes. Breakdown wouldn't want me to cry over him. He would want me to keep going.

I took a final deep breathe and walked into the room where Silas laid. He struggled and growled.

I looked at the Synthetic Energon. It's bright green liquid seemed to be pulsing in it's container.

I walked over and grabbed it. I walked over to Silas and looked him dead in the eyes.

"Consider this punishment for turning my partner into a monster." I stabbed Silas's arm with the energon and injected it into his veins.

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