
688 18 15

(Artist: RM-Arts96)

(Song Above: GRRRLS )

Everyone stared at me.

"Your name...." Moonglade gulped. "But we only knew of one rulers name fore he went savage! Are you sure?"

I nodded. "It's time, my friend. To stop hiding our identities," I turned to Crystolnia and gave a soft smile. "Crystolnia," I bent down to her level. "I have something dire I have never said anything about to anyone--we have never told anyone." I looked at Moonglade.

Moonglade vented. "Oh Primus, it's time to tell her, hm?" He walked to me side and crossed his arms.

"Tell me... what?" She looked at us with fear in her eye. Shadowcaller stood by Crystolnia as Echocloud joined her side.

"What's the big secret?" Echocloud asked in a serious tone. "And why now?"

I looked at Moonglade and gave a nod. Moonglade opened his spark chamber and pulled out photos. He handed me half and chuckled when he saw one.

Crystolnia and the others were confused. I looked at Crystolnia. "Come, child."

She nervously came over. I handed her my stack and she slowly looked at them, taking in every detail.

It was of me, Shockwave, and Crystolnia when she was only a day old. The first half were of us.

"I don't get it... What's the secret?" She looked up from the photos and at me in confusion.

I looked at Moonglade and he took a deep breathe. "This may be... hard to adjust to so suddenly."

"Tell me." She begged.

Moonglade looked at me then Crystolnia, handing her his photos.

She looked them over, looking slightly confused. "It's just me and you," She said and looked up. "I don't get it."

Echocloud looked over her shoulder and glanced at it. He hummed. "What's in the background?"

Crystolnia looked at it again before gasping. She covered her mouth. "Oh my Primus!"

I nodded. Echocloud was still confused. Moonglade held his head high. "And what do you see, Crystolnia?"

She carefully took the pictures from Echocloud and looked through each and everyone. All of them having the same figure behind us, yet closer in each one.

She slowly looked up. Her optic said everything.

"Carrier? Is this a joke...?"

I shook my head.

Moonglade nodded. "It's true, Crystolnia," He took a step forward. "That figure is what we call a shadow."


~^~Soundwave POV~^~

I watched as the scenery changed. It was darker now than it was. I knew where I was. The Shadowzone.

I tried to touch her but my servos went right through her. I looked at my servos in anger. I left her like HE did. Being completely honest I hate him more than Starscream, and that's hard to beat. But now... I'm here.

I watched her hug Crystolnia. I shook my head and just laid in the dirt of Cybertron. Moonglade laid an arm around Echocloud's shoulders with a fatherly smile. Echocloud smiled brightly, leaning on Moonglade and playfully punching his gut.

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