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(Artist: Kujo1597)

(Song Above: Goner)

I watched Ratchet at the corner of my optic. He worked with a huff. You turned to my own work and sighed.

I walked towards Ratchet and went to see his progress. I looked over his shoulder and read his formula.

"That can't be right," I suddenly said. Ratchet turned to me.

"I think I know what I'm doing, thank you." He said with a scoff.

I rolled my optic. "I may be young but I'm not stupid," I pointed to a mistake. "That isn't supposed to be fourteen ounces, that's not enough. It's eighteen."

Ratchet looked at it and then at me surprised. "Oh... Thank you."

I nodded and turned to Knockout. He looked bored and I felt sorry for him.

I turned to Shockwave to see him working. I turned to my station and sighed. I walked over and finished my work.

All I was doing for my part was make sure the Omega Lock was even stable. Wasn't hard.

I sighed and held my helm on my servo. I thought about Prediking's... surprise.

Shockwave walked over and checked my work. "Crystolnia, why are you zoned out once more?" He asked.

I looked at him. "Because I'm done with my work, unlike you." I glared at him.

"Watch it." He said and sat my work back down walking back to his station.

I sighed again and held my helm in both servos. I turned to Ratchet to see him looking at me. He quickly turned away.

I watched him a while before turning to the door. I began my way to exit.

"Crystolnia you still-" Shockwave started.

"I did everything!" I called as I left. I walked down the hall thinking.

I soon caught sight of Prediking and smiled. I walked over and hugged him. He smiled and hugged back softly.

"How are you today?" He asked.

"Tired," I said honestly. "I haven't slept."

He frowned and picked me up. I groaned. "Nooo... Unhand me!" I whined.

He shook his head. "No, Crystolnia."

I looked at him in the optics then gave up. His face of concern won me over.

He began down the hall. We were silent.

"Prediking, what would happen if my Sire or even Megatron did something to you?" I asked softly.

"They wouldn't, I am their only chance in killing the Autobots." He said.

I frowned slightly and nodded. I laid my head on his Chassis.

We were silent.

I thought about when he would find out. Who he would react. If he would hate me. Want to kill me.

"What troubles you?"

I looked at Prediking's optics and frowned deeply. "Would you hate me?"

He tilted his head in confusion. "For what?"

"Anything," I asked. "Anything at all."

He thought. "Unless you were to lie to me," he said. "But you're the most honest person to me. We don't keep secrets." He smiled.

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