Relic Hunting

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( Meme Owner: Me )

I woke up on the berth. Again. How many times have I been here already? Like, seven, maybe eight times?

I didn't want to move my back, but I sat up, and I felt fine.

"Ah, you awake. You must like that berth." Knockout said. I looked at him and he pointed to my back. "Minor repairs. Whoever attacked you, they just popped your spine out of place. I just had to pop it back in, and it's good as new." I gave a nod and stood up.

I tilted my head and in sign language asked him where everyone else was.

"Breakdown went on a mission for Megatron. He's going to get a relic. And Soundwave has to report to Megatron, so Shadowcaller is in the private room playing with some toys I built." I smiled. That was sweet of Knockout.

I walked into the private room and saw Shadowcaller playing with little cars. One was a black and purple Camaro with a light up bottom. A mini me! And another was a drone like jet. A mini Soundwave! And a blue Jeep and a red sports car. AWWWW!!! Mini family!

Knockout chuckled and I hugged him. He hugged my sides, seeing that I was taller than him.

Shadowcaller then noticed me. "Cawier!" He ran to me and I picked him up.

:-:Commander, do you read?:-: I sighed and gave two clicks.:-:Good, I need you to assist Breakdown. He wants your help.:-: Megatron said. I sighed and killed the com. I gave Shadowcaller to Knockout and hugged Shadowcaller one last time.

I walked to the bridge controls to see Soundwave. He looked at me and once I was close enough, he hugged me.

"Be safe." He said in Megatron's voice. I gave a nod and he opened the bridge. I walked threw and the first thing I saw was Arachnid walking away with a prize.

"It was such a nice burial..." she sighed. I growled and hid in the rocks. I heard grunts from under the ground. "Sorry, but I can't really understand you!" Arachnid played. I had enough. I jumped in the air and kicked Arachnid. She flew back and dropped the relic.

Breakdown bursted out of the ground and saw me first. "Ah, your here. That's good. We can kick her aft together." I gave a nod and ran to Breakdown's side.

Arachnid grunted when she stood. She growled and stood up right. She put her hands on her hip and chuckled. "This will be fun."

Arachnid threw webs and I was caught by surprise. I was webbed to the rocks and struggled to break free. Breakdown growled and charged after Arachnid, and Arachnid charged after Breakdown.

I transformed my katanas and struggled to reach them. It took a few minutes before I cut the web. Breakdown was taking a beating, but Arachnid wasn't backing down.

I charged at Arachnid and tackled her. She grunted when she flipped in the air and I let go. She extended her claws and hissed loudly.

Breakdown raced to the relic while I fought Arachnid. Arachnid threw a kick, but I dodged and threw a punch. I used my katanas and tried to slice her up, but she dodged and tried to scratch me.

I dodged, but tripped her. She fell and I grabbed one of her spider-like legs. I tried to rip it of, but she whipped around and clawed my leg.

I hissed and stepped back. I started to stumble before Breakdown caught me. "Don't worry, I got ya." I gave a nod.

He pushed me up a bit and I stood straight in fighting position. We all charged at each other.

I heard a slight bit of heavy rock to the side and I hesitated. It stopped and I shook it off.

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