Prequel Anouncement

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This will be the cover! Thank you so much Prophet_Of_Testimony for making it!

So as seen above the next book will be called Beware Her Silent Song...

Here is the summary:

|||~Book Two Of 'Beware Silence' Series~|||

Is there such thing as a song of beauty and grace? Of such creativity? But yet... silent?

The ancient song of silence. It is said it is the most beautiful thing to ever be heard. But only few have heard it's melody. When they would hear it, others hear silence.

Her silent song. Her beautiful voice. The first Spark Collector.

Shadsowsdust. The said most beautiful femme of them all. Her voice, her eyes, her body, everything. But whenever she sang only the special ones could hear.

She was never declared dead. It is unknown if she had was KIA, been captured, or just died alone. But some believe she lives. Fore they claim to hear her song in the night.

Shadowsdust may have been beautiful, but she was deadly. And her dangerous behavior caused her to have a very strong enemy.

Many say Unicron. Others say Primus and his assets. But one says they are all wrong.

Her enemy is her silent song.


Sneak Peek:

The tale. The said most beautiful femme of them all. Of course she never believed that herself.

She was one of the first Cybertronians to begin life on Cybertron, the Primes leading them with wisdom.

She was special.

The Primes noticed this. Primus created her. The Primes asked their god and father why this was so.

"She's the protector of this sacred land," Primus told them. "She will lead a special Cybertronian species to protect this land until they die."

More like her came. And like Primus had said she led them.

They were advanced. Ready for battle and even war with their advanced training. Their training started as soon as the Cybertronian turned into their teenage years.

The training was slow. They would first go through safety. Then they would go through how to work it. Then they train with the weapons. Then they begin to gain more and more knowledge on fighting.

The femme was treated as a queen. Guards protected her. Many looked for her if they had questions or needed guidance.

Her words spoke to the clan. She could have been a Prime herself as many said. But she didn't want so much royalty.

Her slim frame was perfect on jumping and flipping without a sound. It's crimson red and black color was unique with Cybertronian writing upon her. Her bright green optics always shined no matter her mood.

But she wasn't perfect.

She was always told from the outside that she was beautiful yet so out of place. She would be better if she never left her base.

She ignored them all. She was the protector of Cybertron. Nothing could get past her.

She was loved by her clan and they never questioned her choices. She was unforgettable for most.

Her main weapon was a sword-one of the more common for the clan. Not many choose guns.

She lead them all to victory. The Primes smiled upon her. Primus was glad to have created her and her clan.

Shadowsdust seemed to have it all.

BuT tHiS sToRy Is OnLy A FaNtAsY.


I hope you are looking forward to the sequel!

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