They Return

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(Song Above: What About Now)

I watched the Insecticons attack the base. Shadowcaller tightly gripped my leg. I never looked away. I laid a servo on Shadowcaller's back and stared out.

I never turned away. But adrenaline shot through me suddenly.

I snatched Shadowcaller up and quickly began to walk away from the sight. I made my way past all the rushing veicons. Some gave second glances.

I saw St3v3 and 8o8 and walked over. They froze, confused.

I pointed to Shadowcaller and they looked at him. They looked back at me.

St3v3 cleated his throat and took a step closer. "Commander, do you request energon for your son?" He seemed rather nervous. Not a new sight.

I shook my head and pointed to my eyes. St3v3 And 8o8 looked at each other.

8o8 stepped up. "Would you like us to watch him?"

I nodded.

"Carrier? Carrier where are you going?" Shadowcaller asked. I sat him down and bent down o his level.

'Behave, Shadowcaller. Listen to St3v3 and 8o8. Thy will keep you safe for the time being. I'll be back.' I explained in sign language.

Shadowcaller frowned at this. "When will you be back?"

'Whenever my job is done, sweetspark.' I kissed the top of his helm and gave a soft smile.

I stood to full height and looked at the drones. I put one digit up and pointed to my torn hip. They seemed to get it... maybe. Then I put my sharp digit to my throat and glided it across my neck with a snarl.

St3v3 gulped and nodded quickly. "Yes ma'am! He will not be harmed in anyway shape or form!" He spat out.

I nodded and gave one last smile to Shadowcaller before running down the hall.

I ran to the roof and found Megatron on the edge. I looked at him a while before huffing. I saw an insecticon about to lift and fly but I ran over to stop him.

I managed to tell him to ride over to the Autobot base with me on his back. He agreed and we were off.

I saw Agent Fowler during at all the insecticons and the seekers. Then the Jackhammer came.

We were close to the base when Fowler started shooting at us.

I looked at Fowler and groaned. I didn't want to hurt him. Or any human.

I stood on the insecticon's back and gave a salute to the agent. He took this to surprise and froze. I fell backwards off the bug and landed on the ground gracefully.

Fowler was shocked at the drop and how well I overcame it. I transformed and sped for the entrance. It opened and I drove through.

"Was the door locked!?"


I drove in to see everyone aiming their weapons at me.

"Commander," Optimus said. "Transform and hand over your weapons. We don't want to harm you."

I transformed and put my hands up. I acted weak and frail. I forced my body to shake.

Bumblebee buzzed in concern.

I looked at the crew and stopped on Smokescreen.

"Um... Why is she looking at me like that?" He asked the others.

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