The Pain He Hides Away

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(Fanart Owner: IDK)
(Song Above: Warriors)

-/\- Megatron POV-/\-

"What is it?" I snapped at Soundwave.

First the commander, now Breakdown!? Shadowcaller will be CRUSHED! And knowing Dreadwing didn't help his uncle will mean he will push himself away from us!


"Heard from Breakdown lately?" Asked a voice from the screen. I growled and was glued to the screen.

"Track her location," I ordered without looking away. Soundwave gave a nod and did just that quicker than I have ever seen him.

"Megatron truly, you sent some henchmen to terminate a high ranking officer! I thought you reserved that honor for yourself," I growled, thinking of all the times she has not only hurt the commander but of Shadowcaller.

"Is that a challenge!?" I snapped, taking a step forward. I was furious.

"An invitation," Arachnid corrected. "And since Soundwave is no doubt tracing this signal, you know where to find me." Then her signal was lost.

I growled deep in my throat.

"I'll be back," I said as I walked to the computer.

"But Lord Megatron," Dreadwing started, making me stop and look over my shoulder. "What about Shadowcaller?"

Just the thought of Shodowcaller being crushed by Breakdown's demise made my spark tremble and ache. How would we tell him?

"Make sure he has as much attention we can give before we tell him anything about it."

"Allow me to accompany you!" He said quickly after. This made a snarl rise to my lips.

"You already had your chance!" I snapped and continued to walk away.

I was full of rage. How could this happen?! I'll tell you how: When a complete failure does my job.

XxX-Dreadwing POV-XxX

I watched as Megatron walked away, anger building in every step. It isn't hard to tell when he's angry, but it is the most difficult thing to try and think about what he is really feeling. If not even try and think his thoughts. But I have a hunch this is much more than just a battle he wants to proceed with.

"Soundwave," I said. Soundwave slowly turned to me and gave a single nod, signaling I could go on. "Is it unwise that Shadowcaller should..." I took a deep breath. "Should be in this state? He worries about the commander enough as it is, and now Breakdown? I think it would be wise to help Shadowcaller and give him what humans call... A... Break."

Soundwave seemed to have been thinking then nodded.

"Maybe somewhere off the Nemesis for better results. I hope it does good." I continued. Soundwave nodded and exited the room.

I groaned and sat on the floor.

What was I to do? I let Arachnid turn Breakdown into complete scrap! Breakdown was the closest 'uncle' Shadowcaller had. If he hears that he won't be coming back... He will be even more broken.

Of course, we could lie, but it feels wrong to do so on such a sparkling. But what about Knockout? Breakdown and Knockout were inseparable for the most part! Sometimes I wondered if... No.

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