An Understanding Master

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( Meme Owner: Meh!!! )

"We are sure, commander. He will help you! Trust us when we say that he will not hurt you or Shadowcaller." Knockout tried to convince me. Soundwave was with Breakdown on my berth playing with Shadowcaller.

It's been a day since Shadowcaller has waken from status. Everyone has come in every so often to play or check with Shadowcaller. And they even babysat for me for when I go on missions and such.

I thought hard on this. He could help, but he could have changed. I mean, who else commanded all of the launched sparkling pods to be destroyed?

"Look, if your thinking about the destroyed sparkling pods," Knockout started as if reading my mind. "Starscream commanded it. Megatron had gone away for a solo mission and while in his absence, Starscream fired the missiles and jets."

I looked down. So many had cried if they survived the battle. Femmes were clasped crying in the sire's grasp, or if the sire had past, they would sometimes hold themselves as they cried. Even some sires cried. Their sparkmates mostly dead and their children killed. Not many femmes survived that battle. The Decepticons fires at them mostly to keep from the Autobots having them. Only the female Decepticons lived and only a scarce part of Autobot femmes as well.

I finally gave in. When that battle arose, Starscream was in command. I gave a slight nod and Knockout smiled. He put his hand on my shoulder.

"We will go when your ready, commander." Knockout said with a little sing song in his voice. He joined his partner who was tickling Shadowcaller's stomach.

Breakdown looked like a giant lump of hard metal. A robot without spark. But when they see Breakdown with a sparkling, they will think that he's hurting him. No, it's just Breakdown being the little cinnamon roll he is. Knockout was the same way, but with a large ego about his finish.

Soundwave.... well..... I know him from Cybertron. I watched him in the shadows. I never really ever saw him though. But, with Shadowcaller, he's a big slim cinnamon roll that can kill you in an instant.

"Cawier! Cawier!" Shadowcaller called. I walked over to him and he motioned me to pick him up. I did so and sat between the two mechs. Knockout was making an energon bottle for Shadowcaller.

"Well, you may not be his real carrier, but it looks like he thinks you are." Breakdown said. I nodded and held Shadowcaller close.

I bit my lower lip as Knockout came with the bottle.

"One delicious energon bottle, has arrived!" Knockout said. Shadowcaller squealed for joy and turned around. He grabbed the bottle and we all watched him chug it dry. "And it was delicious!" Knockout cheered, throwing his arms in the air and cocking his hip for a pose. Shadowcaller laughed.

"Commander? Are you okay in there?" Asked a voice. I jumped and grabbed Shadowcaller. In the motion, I cut my hand on his under armor. I jumped to the beam and climbed. Shadowcaller laughed, but when he saw my hand, he just stared at it. "Commander, I'm coming in....."

Shadowcaller touched my hand. "Booboo?" He whispered. I nodded and held him close to my chest. He dug his face into my chest.

The door opened and Breakdown and Knockout snapped their gaze back down from us.

Shadowcaller lightly touched my hand and started to mess with it.

"I thought I heard laughter? Where is the commander? And what are you three doing in her room?" Asked Starscream.

"Uh, we were just looking for her, too! And, Knocks here made a joke and the two of us laughed." Breakdown said. Starscream didn't look convinced.

"Soundwave," I glared at Starscream. "Is this true?" Soundwave gave a nod and Starscream hummed in thought. "If I find out your lying, all three of you will face my wrath!" Starscream said. I noticed that he looked damaged badly. Word got around that Megatron beat him almost to death.

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