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(Song Above: House Of Gold)

I listened to the human music. Breakdown liked this song. He said it reminded him of his Carrier.

House Of Gold, a popular song to humans. I admit, it was calming in a way. It dried my tears.

I hummed the music with a frown. As the music continued, I proceeded to smile.

I took a deep breath and thought as the music played.

After to much regret and guilt, thinking that he was dead and I failed him, he was alive? But we returned to the lab and I checked his pulse! He was gone... or so we thought.

I thought of how Shockwave would say he would never stop looking for us if we had separated. Crystolnia and I stayed in the same spot for almost a human month. The spot we agreed to meet up at.

What happened to "I'll never stop looking for you if we parted"? His exact words.

Now Crystolnia was gone...

A knock was heard.

I stood from the floor I had sat upon and opened the door. There stood four particular mechs.

"Commander-" I cut Knockout off by shutting the door.

Another knock.

I opened the door again.

"Commander, may we talk?" Megatron asked.

I look right at Shockwave and shook my head. I closed and locked the door, walking over to my berth.

Knockout knocked on the door again, speaking. "Commander we just request a small conversation!"

I ignored the mechs and curled up in a ball on my berth. I went to play the song once more until I heard the door unlock.

"We're coming in, like it or not." Megatron snarled.

I groaned and laid on my berth, optics closed. The door opened and ped steps were heard.

"Commander, why did you run away?" Knockout asked.

I sighed and sat up. The two silent mechs stood beside each other, listening. Shadowcaller wasn't seen but Soundwave stood motionless. He was probably with St3v3.

I looked at Shockwave and pointed to him. Shockwave stiffened and took a step forward, seeming to hesitate to come any closer.

"Shockwave?" Megatron asked. He looked at the scientist before returning his gaze to me. "And why so?"

I looked ahead, in space. Of the times he said he would never let us go. Of how he would love us unconditionally. Of how we would be protected.

But of course, war is a war. There is no peace in war.


I calmly came out of my trance and looked at Knockout. I tilted my head and continued with my sign language ability.

'We know of each other. Back on Cybertron. Yet no one knew of me because I was the secret. As well as another.' I said looking at Shockwave.

"Shockwave? What is she talking about?" Megatron asked clearly annoyed he knew nothing of this.

"My liege," He started coming closer. "I think it logical if we summarize most of it, leaving the rest for her to grow comfortable with." Shockwave said.

"Perhaps, but my not knowing of this secretly has gotten me quite agitated." Megatron snarled.

"Understood," Shockwave said with a nod. "We knew of each other and I let her seek refugee in my lab."

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