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( Meme Owner: IDK but they're a genius XDDDDD )
( Song Above: Still I Fly - I love the editing to this, and the song fits them so well I cried.... )

Shadowcaller was sleeping in my arms. I admit, I was exhausted. Knockout and Breakdown we're checking our vitals and things. Soundwave and Megatron were probably outside pacing like no other.

"It feels good to have you two back. We've missed you all so much....." Knockout said with a tired smile. I don't think anyone had a good sleep while we were gone.

I laid my head back, but kept my eyes wide open, even though they would close every once in a while. I found Breakdown whispering to Knockout to the side and thought nothing about it.

"Okay commander," Knockout said as the two came back over. "Your free to go."

I stood with Shadowcaller and sadness flooded over me. Optimus's words echoed in my processor. And I was thinking of the mech and child I once had in my grasp, now they were gone.

I didn't notice I froze until Breakdown put a hand on my shoulder. "What's wrong?" Worry was in his tone.

I shook my head and kept walking. As I thought, Megatron and Soundwave were making a trail in the floor with their pacing. Soundwave was the first to notice. He froze and our eyes locked, well visors. But, I could feel his eyes locked into mine.

We walked to each other and I had tears in my eyes. It's felt like years since I've seen him. Shadowcaller must have woken up, because he yawned and noticed his sire first.

"Sire!" Shadowcaller cried and jumped out of my arms to hug his sire. Soundwave caught him and gladly hugged him tightly.

Shadowcaller was starting to cry from joy of being in his sire's arms. Shadowcaller didn't deserve to suffer through pain like that. Megatron came to me and gave me a soft hug. I returned that hug and held my tears. Megatron was like my very own sire. Even though I have never met my biological father, he was like one.

Shadowcaller then ran to his 'Uncle Megsy' and cried harder. I was now in Soundwave's grasp. My arms were tight around his neck while his were tight around my middle.

I felt a tear escape and buried my face in his neck. Soundwave laid his head on my shoulder and rocked us in the hug.

"Uncle Hammy! Uncle Knocksy!" Shadowcaller yelled and ran to them. Soundwave and I were still wrapped in a hug. My arms were now on his arms and out beads were bumped together.

I had a small smile plastered on my face. Soundwave seemed to be happier to see me smile. His claws tightened on me, but I didn't care. I was back.

It felt like forever until Soundwave let me go. I was so tired, but I didn't let it show.

"Okay, love birds," Knockout teased. Soundwave and I looked at the three mechs that smiled. "I think you two need rest."

Shadowcaller was yawning in the grasp of his Uncle Hammy and fiddling with his armor. He looked so calm. I haven't seen him that way since the last time we were here. It felt like years actually.

I did feel tired, so I gave a nod. Breakdown walked over with a smile and handed Shadowcaller over to me. I gave a tired smile and looked at Shadowcaller. He was almost asleep. I started to walk to my berthroom, but had to stop a moment. I felt dizzy and sighed. I kept walking and found my room. I sat Shadowcaller down on the berth and walked over to my desk.

I sat down and and started to write on some paper. I made it to the end of the page and yawned. I turned the page and continued to write. I needed to write everything I was thinking or it would cram up my processor.

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