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{I know it's crappy and all, but the top is The Commander! If you remember it said that she had torn the hologram out because they didn't work. That's the triangle holes on her hands. Her hip and shoulder are torn. The soft metal she had torn off for Tide was around her stomach which is missing now. The diamond shaped thing on her arm is the patch with the wire! The bumps on her hips are where her katanas come from. I know she does not have the mouth guard at the moment but she still has one so I put one there!}

(Song Above: Santa Monica)

^~^Shadowcaller POV^~^

"If we have any hope in recovering the Iacon relics before the Decepticons do," Optimus started as he looked at me. I was to the farthest corner, avoiding everyone. "We must divide our resources."

"But Optimus," Docky Botty started, his voice full of concern. "When we come to numbers we are at a grave disadvantage. And counting as Shadowcaller is here we have to be more cautious."

"Under the circumstances swiftness of action is paramount. This is one race that we can absolutely not afford to loose." Optimus stated. He looked at me once more before returning to the group.

I kept myself to the corner. I didn't want any association with the Autobots. But it seemed they had other plans.

Bulkhead came closer to me and bent down. "Hey, bud," he said. "Do you need some energon? Recharge?"

"To go home." I said plainly, avoiding optic contact.

Bulkhead sighed and shook his head. "I'm sorry, bud. That can't happen."

"Why?" I asked, getting angry. "What do you want from me?"

"Nothing," Bulkhead said. "And I promise that."

I shook my head and turned away. "I don't want any company."

I heard Bulkhead sigh once more before standing. I caught him watching my frame before walking back to the group.

The computer went off and Docky Botty went over to see the commotion.

"Here's a twist," he started. "It would appear that the Decepticons have retreated from Manhattan."

My spark fluttered. Were they coming back for me?

"They just up and left?" Arcee asked, hands raised.

"It is more likely that Megatron has already set course to a second set of coordinates. Having despatched a unit of underground location." Optimus said.

Or they could be going back for me.

"Without blasting a city block to get to it?" Arcee asked.

"They used subway tunnels," Jack said, causing everyone to look towards him. Even I did. "New York has a whole network built underneath the city." He explained.

"Since the human doesn't seem to be directly threatened," Optimus started, thinking aloud to the team. "Maintaining our disguise may be necessary."

I felt my foot twitch. I looked down, confused. I watched it twitch again and looked at the others. Probably a nerve.

"Arcee, Bumblebee," Optimus continued. "You are the best choices to navigate through such a densely populated area."

"Optimus," Jack said, catching the Prime's attention. "New York has more than a million people. The odds of being spotted by at least one of them is pretty high, even if they are hidden underground." He explained.

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