Who's The Traitor Now?

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( Meme Owner: Meh )
( Song Above: Faded )

I was holding myself as I walked through the coldness of the woods. It's been..... three days since I left. I miss them all. But I know I can't go back.

I have been thinking over and over again on if I should go back, or go back to being a rouge. Ever since they died, I had been a rouge. Until I landed on Earth. He had been a Decepticon before.

I was low on energon. And my stage two was taking control. The first, it was when Starscream first came to attack me. The second, has been going on for hours now. I was getting the feeling to kill. An old instinct.

The last I killed was a Predacon. A traitor. He thought he could fight me, ha! He was wrong. Now, that was years ago. The feeling was getting to me.

I heard the sound of a jet and looked up quickly. I hid behind trees as I saw it fly and transform. I growled. Starscream.

And he wasn't alone. A helicopter transformed and I growled deeper. Arachnid.

"Your chosen vehicle mode lacks thrust." Starscream said boredly.

Arachnid looked at the screamer. "Are you going to preen or are you going to guide?" She asked.

"I will reveal the exact location of the harvester, when you tell me exactly what we're looking for!" Starscream growled.

"That information is not what you need to know, and right now, you don't." I watched as they talked.

I snuck through the woods and tried to find a good place to run. But, of course, luck was never mine.

I heard drilling and saw Arachnid drilling into the ground. I watched silently and saw Starscream look surprised.

"Show off....." I heard him say. I snuck around and found a good place to hide.

Starscream jumped in and I looked around. Didn't look like anyone else was coming. I ran to the hole and jumped in.

I silently walked behind the two and watched as Arachnid climbed the ceiling as Starscream walked.

Arachnid and Starscream stopped at some controls and I hid behind some walls. The ship looked old, and, familiar.

When I heard Starscream say something about the Autobots, I panicked.

I listened to their conversation about whatever they were talking about, and I thought.

What if they take me? What if they kill me? What if they take me hostage?

Arachnid and Starscream went down some halls and I followed. Arachnid landed in the ground and I hid behind a wall.

"Section twenty-three should be right about...." I walked closer. "Here?"

A giant rock was in her way. She transformed her legs and Starscream stood behind her.

"The ship just ends." Arachnid said.

That's when it hit me. This was a ship I forced on when the war started.

"Must have broken in half during the crash." Arachnid stated.

Starscream huffed. "Or in the air." He said. "If you perform actual research, you would have learned that an Autobot battalion shot the harbinger out of the sky." He said matter-of-factly.

"How far away is the other half?" Arachnid demanded.

"I'm afraid that information is need to know." Starscream said as he looked at his claws.

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