Double The Trouble

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( Meme Owner: Meh )

We followed the mech quietly. We hadn't spoken a word, and that was okay with me. That's how we were raised after all. The giant doors were now in view. The mech turned to us and bowed respectively. He then walked away.

I looked at my friend one last time. She gave a nod and I opened the doors. We walked in a bit and bowed.

Our leader looked like a god with his golden outline and amazing black detail on his body. His eyes were a red color.

He rose his hand and we rose. He pointed to me and I stepped forward.

"Your whip." He said in his bold voice. I nodded and threw my hand into my whip. He grabbed it and I shivered.

Our leader gave a nod after looking it over. I went back to my spot. My friend gave me a nervous side glance. I gave her a small nod and she exhaled.

"Sunbleach," our leader snarled, disgusted. My friend took a step forward. "Answer me this, with the honest truth," she nodded. "Did you have contact to the outside world? Give a target your name? Have a sparkling with that mech?"

Sunbleach stood straight and proud. "Not at all, my lord. It is against protocol. I would never do such a thing."

I silently hoped and prayed to Primus that our leader would buy it. Sunbleach was always a good lier.

When we were sparklings, we had lied to a caretaker about not starting a fight. We did, kind of. They were jealous of us for being top class. I made the first move. I had turned my servo into my whip and it started. We won thanks to my quickness.

Our leader smiled and laid back in his throne. "Very well, Sunbleach. It may have been a mistake," I didn't like the voice he used. A one of evil. "But I must ask you one more thing," I turned my full head to Sunbleach. Something wasn't right. "Did you really think you could lie to your master?"

I grabbed my katana as our leader quickly grabbed his sword, but I was too late. I was stunned. His blade was large and unmistakable. It was threw her spark chamber. She looked down at the sword and energon poured from her mouth.

"Next time you will learn. If you had a next time." Our leader said and pulled his sword out from her chest. I watched her fall on her knees and then her stomach. She was dead.

I felt adrenaline run threw me and growled. "Stand down, commander." Our leader said.

I felt arms wrap around me and I shook them off. I grabbed my katanas and spun them in my hands. Our leader gave a bored expression and lifted his energon covered sword.

"Don't do this, commander." He said. I growled and readied my katanas as I slowly walked to our leader.

He knew we were close. He knew we were like sisters. He knew she had a sparkling to care for! He knew it all, and we played his little game.

"Very well," Our leader said. "Let us battle."

<~^~>Soundwave POV<~^~>

I ran threw the halls faster than I ha ran in a long time. She had fallen limp and I was panicking.

I found med bay and ran threw, not caring to knock. I looked around and saw a door open.

"It's late, go to- HOLY PRIMUS!" Knockout yelled when he saw her, now fully awake. "I'm the private room! Set her down there and I'll get Breakdown!"

I obeyed and ran into the private room. Her warmth faded when the door opened. I sat her on the berth and tried to cover the pouring wound. No use.

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