The Past Hurts More Than You Know

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( Meme Owner: Me )
( Song Above: Chasing Cars )

I growled as our leader slammed me into the wall. His sword twirled a circle on my spark. I winced when I heard a slight crack and felt pain in my spark.

"You were always a good commander," he said. "But I knew this couldn't be kept up."

I kicked him and he stumbled back. I closed my spark chamber and kicked him again. He fell and I jumped onto his neck. He fell down and I gave a kick uppercut.

I punched his neck and he laid on the ground, not moving. I smiled and hovered over his frame. I opened his spark chamber and found his spark dim.

I grabbed his spark and pulled it from his chamber. His body faded and he was gone. I smashed the spark in my claws and turned to my only friend.

I walked over and sat. I lifted her from the puddle of energon and hugged her close.

They would have been proud. Her sparkmate, her sparkling. I felt tears in my eyes and held them tight. She was like my sister.

"C-commander!" I looked up and saw a guard. Everyone that has entered the room was frozen. The one that called for me got on one knee and looked down.

"Behold our new lord!" One yelled. Everyone else started to bow and I smiled. I did this for all of you. Every single one.

I looked at our dead leader's body. I walked over and picked him up. I walked over to some lava that surrounded the room. I through his body in and watched his body melt.

I did it, Sunbleach. I did it Fireblade. I did it Moonglade. I did it Shadowcaller. I did it. I killed him. But, your sparks will never rest until I have avenged you completely.

"M-my Lord," I turned around. "We have the seeker leader here to meet you."

I gave a nod and followed the mech. We walked into the meeting room and I saw the leader.

"Ah, the new leader, hm?" The seeker asked. I gave a nod.

The seeker walked to me with a smile and gave out his servo. In his hand, a small spark laid.

"I have heard of your past and asked the primed for this," he said. I took it and looked at it. It was a yellow spark what was smaller than my servo. "They never said who's it was, but they said it will bring you happiness and not grief."

I gave a nod and looked at the red and white mech. He was tall and slim like all seekers, but his golden eyes were not like most.

"I shall take my leave, we are always an ally to you, my lord." He said and walked out. I looked at the small spark again.

Flashes of happy memories flashed through my optics. Moonglade and I taking a midnight stroll, Sunbleach and I looking at the stars, smiling for the first time. I felt a tear form in my optics.

I miss them all. But, I do have Shadowcaller. I made a vow, I will protect that vow.


I was helped into the room by Ratchet. He wanted to keep a close eye on me. Bee had told ONLY Ratchet about it. Shadowcaller doesn't know.

"I am not really familiar with this condition, can you tell me what I should watch out for?" Ratchet asked me.

'Shaking, in and out of conciseness, and high red energon readings.' I told him in sign language.

I heard Ratchet sigh and pictured him running a hand down his face. I heard ped steps in the hall and perked up.

:-:Everything okay, Doc?:-: Bee asked.

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