A Little Hunt, A Little Fight

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( Meme Owner: MEH )

I walked threw the forest with ease. I had used a ground bridge to teleport me about three miles from here. The night was quiet and peaceful. It was calming.

I looked at my radar and saw no red energon spikes. I sighed and looked into the stars.

"What is she doing?" I snapped around to the voice and was on complete guard. I carefully looked into the darkness and reached for my katanas.

I turned back around and kept the katanas in my hands. I ran into the forest and dodged many trees. I then hid and soon enough, my followers came.

"Where did she go? She's like a shadow..." Asked the one I heard.

"Prepare for battle." Said a femme. An all too famous one, too. I jumped and landed on the femme. We rolled down the ditch that was beside us and I grabbed her spider-like legs.

She laughed. She then used her elbow and pushed it into my gut. I stood and clutched my stomach.

"You haven't changed, Spark Collector. Not a bit. We used to be friends once, but now, it doesn't seem like it." Arachnid stood and I growled.

The other one was small and ran to the hunter. The hunter sat him on her shoulder and grinned at me.

"You remember my servant, do you not?" Arachnid asked. I growled and was ready for my fight.

I heard a portal open and I grinned. 'Bot or 'Con, this will be good.

"Arachnid's back!?" Yelled a voice. Arachnid was distracted and I kicked her hard in the gut. She stumbled and I used my katanas to attack. Her spider legs deflected my attacks, but when I kicked I got a hit.

"Stop!" Yelled a voice. Arachnid and I didn't listen and kept fighting.

I had Arachnid in a death position. She moved, her Spark was mine. The minicon hid and watched patiently. I watched him run to the bushes.

"You still hold your grudge, hm? No surprise, you have never let something go so easily." Arachnid said. One of her freed legs came down on me.

I was clawed to the ground. Pain rushed through my leg and I looked down. Her leg went right through mine. I tried to cut the leg off, but it wouldn't. I tried to swing at Arachnid, she dodged easily.

"Come on, 'Spark Collector', aren't you going to slice me up?" She asked bitterly. I swung at her again. "After all, I did return the favor, did I not?" I growled deeply and used every bit of strength to push up.

I broke free from her leg and weakly stood, ready for a fight. Arachnid sighed and gave a bored expression.

"Your move." She said. I smiled and grabbed my rifle. I shot at her and didn't miss a shot. She held her spark chamber and climbed into the trees, hidden from the moon.

I carefully looked around, trying to find her.

"Ugh!" I whipped around to the sound. "Are you sure about this, Optimus?"

I heard quick movement in the trees and made out a familiar outline. I ran to the voice and stayed hidden under a cliff. Arachnid has her eyes on the prize, and didn't notice me. She leaped for whoever and I deflected her attack. I jumped and grabbed her leg, slamming her in the ground.

"You're just as you were when we were friends." She said. I tried to stab her, but she used her acid claw and scratched my face armor.

I felt it start to melt and covered what was exposed. They can't see.

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