Safe Haven Or Prison?

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Song Above: Numb (XXX)

^~^Shadowcaller POV^~^

I watched Uncle Docky Botty as he carried me into the all too familiar base.

"Shadowcaller," He started. "What is happening on the Nemesis?"

I looked away. "I don't know."

"Ratchet? Why is Shadowcaller here?" Miko asked. I have seen her before. When I first came here.

"Was he the only one?" Raf asked.

"Yes, Rafael. Shadowcaller was the last remaining upon the Nemesis." The medic explained.

Docky Botty sat me down and ran a servo down his face.

I looked around as the three ventured down to my area. Miko smiled brightly and hugged my leg. Jack smiled a waved. Raf smiled and ran up to me.

"Hey, Shadowcaller! How are you?" Raf asked.

"Okay..." I replied softly.

"Cheer up, Shadowcaller!" Miko exclaimed. "I'll keep you up and goin'!"

I smiled a little before looking around the base once more. Then I saw the frozen Autobots.

I frowned and started towards the frozen bots.

Bulkhead, Arcee, Bumblebee, and Optimus Prime. There they were. Frozen like statues.

I looked at the four in pain. The memory of seeing everyone on the ship that way made my gut churn.

"Shadowcaller?" I turned to Docky Botty. The humans were beside him on the higher level. When did they get there? "How about you come over here."

I looked back at the bots. Bumblebee was Carrier's friend.

"Uncle Bee." I whispered.

"What was that?" Docky Botty asked.

I shook my head. "Nothing, Uncle Docky Botty." I slowly turned away and walked over to my uncle.

"May I ask you some questions?"

I nodded slowly. I saw Miko whisper to Jack. Raf sat at a human computer.

"Are you armed?"

"What?" I tilted my head.

"Are you armed?" He repeated. "Like your Carrier? Or Knockout? Or Megatron?"

"No..." I answered truthfully.

"If you were, what would your choice of weapon be?" He continued to question.

I thought a moment.

Uncle Knocksy and Uncle Hammy And I would look at human weapons. From their military, cultures, and historic pasts. Japan weapons had always caught my attention. Carrier's main weapon is the Katana; Japan's thanks.

"Kusarigama," I started slowly. "Kunai, and Kusari-fundo."

Miko had her mouth down to the floor. "Japanese! I should take you to Tokyo when I visit my parents!"

"Uh, excuse me but what are those?" Jack asked, confused.

"Weapons that ninjas had used from Japan. Some of the most deadly!" Raf explained.

Docky Botty cleated his throat to stop the side conversation. "And why those, Shadowcaller?"

"Carrier has Katanas," I started. "The sword of the samari in Japan. Uncle Knocksy and Hammy and I always looked at different human cultures and found Japan. We looked at the weapons and I liked those three the most..." I answered honestly.

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