Starscream Never Stops

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( Meme Owner: Meh )

I whimpered as the mech threw he whip again. It hit me in the chest and I held it tight.

"That's all for today. Go." Said the mech. I gave a nod and ran the best I could.

I entered my room and my roommate, Sunbleach, gasped. "What did they do to you!?" She ran to me and looked me over.

I didn't speak. I hugged her tight and felt my knees buckle. She caught me as I fell and helped me into my berth.

"Get some rest. I'll wake you up when we have a mission." Sunbleach said. I gave a nod and quickly fell into recharge.

"My child," Said a voice. I opened my eyes to see light. "Follow my voice."

I stood up and followed where I last heard the voice. I ran and a flash of white blinded me.

"Hello, child." Said a large godlike mech. My eyes went wide and I bowed. "Stand, child. We have things to discuss."

I stood and looked at the god, Primus. I took a step closer and Primus smiled.

"I have been watching over you since you had a speck of your spark. You have grown well, even with your sparklinghood dilemmas. You are brave, you care for your friends and family, even if you are on the Decepticons side. You have changed some from their evil ways. Megatron has become softer. And you were the clue to his softness." Primus said. I gave a nod and he went on. "I have watched you when you made your vow to protect a sparkling. Shadowcaller loves you, calls you his carrier, and you let him. They raised you much differently, and you do not want him to be raised the same. And he loves the mech, Soundwave, too. Calls him his sire, and looks up to him. And his uncles," Primus chuckled. "He made Breakdown and Knockout bigger sparklings than they say to be."

I smiled and gave a nod. Primus tilted his head and frowned.

"Why do you hide your features? Soundwave does it to hide his emotions and his weaknesses. You smile, even behind your mask. Why must you hide it?" Primus asked.

I looked down and shifted my feet. Why wouldn't he know? He said he's been watching me for a long time....

"Ah," Primus said as he understood. "Your eyes." I gave a nod. "You shouldn't hide them, their unique. They may have told you you were my brother's servant with your eyes, but you are not. You do not let him control you. You fight him. And to be honest, child, your special with those eyes. Their colors are bright and shine. But that isn't all, is it?" I looked up and nodded again. "And may I know why?"

I sighed and rubbed my arm with the patch. Primus hummed in thought then relaxed.

"Your needle?" He gave a small smile and lifted my head with his giant finger. "It will not harm you anymore, child." I leaned into his digit and he chuckled.

"But, I must ask you a few more questions," I nodded in understanding. "Why didn't you choose to join Optimus?"

'Because, my lord, it will feel wrong. I was raised by the most feared Cybertronians on Cybertron. If I joined them, they would be too nice. They wouldn't yell at me. I wouldn't be abused in a way. It would feel like I had let Sunbleach down. I just...... it just wouldn't feel right....' I said with sign language. Primus sighed and stood straight.

"But the Autobots will not harm you. They will protect you and your sparkling. Is there another reason?" He asked. I bit my lip. "Does it have something to do with your team?" I gave a nod. Primus gave a small chuckle. "Your child has gotten close to them, and so have you." I nodded again.

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