A Plan Of Rescue

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( Meme owner: Me!!!!! )

I swung my katana once more and cut the dummies in half from the waist. The tops fell of the post and landed with a thud on the ground.

"Looks like your swing has gotten better. That means your shoulder is healing slowly, but as it should be." I heard Knockout said behind me.

I turned to face him to see he wasn't alone. Soundwave was there with Breakdown behind Knockout. I gave a slight nod and walked over to the boys.

I tilted my head and looked at Soundwave. His visor popped into life and sound waves were shown on his screen. "Gather all important units that you think useful, and get back here!" He replayed the recording that sounded like Starscream.

Starscream was in command. I made it the cycle they had to open a space bridge. I wasn't really interested in dying in space. Megatron was in deep statues, and I have a suspicion that Starscream did something to him.

I only nodded and stood beside them all. Knockout and Breakdown smirked at each other with wide grins. I tilted my head at them and Breakdown walked over to me. I was almost his height, so he didn't bend down far.

"Knocks and I have an idea on how to help you on this mission of yours." He whispered. I gave a nod when he stood full height.

I told Knockout and Breakdown of my plan to retrieve my pod. They wanted to help and I agreed. The three of us were good friends now, Breakdown and I more of best friends now.

Soundwave held up his servo and moved his digits. He was telling us to follow. We all nodded.

Breakdown and Knockout has learned the sign language I used for me to communicate better. They learned it all in two days. I think they wanted me to feel welcome or something like that.

Soundwave led us to the outside panel. He opened it and the light blinded me for a minute. Breakdown and Knockout covered their eyes from the morning sun.

Soundwave transformed and laid on the ground as if waiting for us to transform. I transformed and revved my engine. Knockout and Breakdown shrugged and transformed. Because Soundwave was the only flyer out of the four of us, he lifted off the ground just high enough to reach Breakdown's roof.

He sped off and we reached him easily with our speeds.

{"Mmmm...... Nice breeze. Perfect day for a drive."} Knockout said threw the com link. Breakdown chuckled.

{"My, my...... I guess it is."} He said. I smiled. I knew what would happen next.

{"Oh commander~"} Knockout sang threw the link. {"When we're done do you want to join Breakdown and I in a little race?"}

I revved my engine as a yes and Knockout squealed like a fan girl. Breakdown laughed and Soundwave was silent. I could feel something.... somethings not right.

I pressed my breaks and flipped into the air transforming. Knockout and Breakdown almost ran into me, but transformed and jumped out of the way. I watched as Soundwave twirled into the air and transformed.

I listened carefully, and looked around observantly. Knockout opened his mouth to speak, but Breakdown put his on his shoulder and did a slight shake of his head.

We haven't landed in a while, but our shield is down. We can only fix it on ground. That means that the Autobots could track us. And that means that they could be watching. Waiting.

I whipped my head to the sound of running. I grabbed my katanas and got into fighting position. The others did the same. I listened more.

I put my katanas away and looked around once more after a few minutes of waiting. I didn't see anything, so I let my guard down. But I swore I heard running. It was probably just my imagination.

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