A Child's Hope

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{Song Above: You Are My Sunshine}

The guilt and pain only grew on the sparkling.

"C-Carrier! S-Sire!" They sobbed in the dead field.

The child tried to communicate through the bond to find their guardians, but couldn't find them.

A large vast of air rushed past the sparkling, causing them to look into the sky.

A large Cybertronian drone looped back around and transformed into a large mech. His armor was black and green.

"Do not fear, young one," the mech said in a calm and smoothing voice. "You are safe now. Where are your guardians?"

The child teared up. "I don't know! I c-can't find them through our bond!"

The mech's expression turned saddened. He hugged the child tightly.

"Do not worry," he whispered to her. "I will take care of you."

The child sniffed her cry and looked at the mech. She was hesitant of going with the mech. She has never really met any other Cybertronian other than her Carrier or Sire.

The child looked down at their own body and gasped. How were they alive? Were they with Primus now?

"You are alive because Primus gave you a second chance," the mech suddenly said. "I can read your thoughts."

The child watched him curiously.


The mech looked taken back a little. "My name?" He repeated. "Why must you know?"

"You're taking me with you, right? I want to know your name." The child said.

The mech smiled.

"Moonglade. Now let's get out of the open, okay? Don't want you to get shot again." The mech said.

The child nodded and slowly reached for his hand. Once hers was in his, he gave her a soft smile and slowly walked at her speed.

The sparkling looked around. Her home was rubble. Buildings were destroyed. Energon was everywhere. And so were the bodies. Everywhere the child looked.

"Moonglade," The child spoke. "Are we the only ones left?"

The mech chuckled. "No. Cybertron is abandoned. Everyone is on Earth now. Or with Primus." Moonglade explained.

The child nodded slowly as she looked around.

She felt something off. Didn't feel exactly... safe. She didn't look at the mech, Only her surroundings.

"Child," Said the mech. "You are safe. Relax."

The child looked at the mech then the ground, not really buying his words.

The child knew that she probably had a less chance of survival with the mysterious mech. He came out of no where after all on a stranded metal planet of rubble. Why would she trust him fully?

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