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( Meme Owner: Meeeee!!!!! )
( Song Above: Cups )

I sighed as I drew. I was in the private room sitting on the floor by the wall. I was drawling to pass the time. I was also keeping an eye on the commander.

I stuck my youngest out of the side of my mouth and moved my hand really slow so I couldn't mess up. I finished the thin line and took a breather.

I smiled when I looked at the drawling. It was one of me and Knocks laughing.


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I chuckled at the art and saved it in my art file. I walked over the the commander and looked at her vitals.

"Let's see....." I whispered aloud. "Breathing status, normal. Wound repair, quick and easy going thanks to the dark energon. Energon numbers..... Normal blue energon, normal. Dark energon, normal for a rare substance. And red energon..... is high..." I hummed in thought and walked over to the samples we took.

I took the red energon sample and went over to the microscope. I looked at it and hummed.

It was bubbling.... is that even normal? I may have never really seen red energon before, but boiling? No, it can be real.... can it?

I heard shifting behind me and looked up. I turned around to see the commander's head moving a bit. I was jumping for joy and surprise.

I ran out of the room and saw Knockout doing something on the computer. I ran to him and gave him a late surprise hug.

"She's waking up!" I cheered to Knockout. Knockout then got it and bounced with me like we were fan girls.

"You go and keep her under control, I'll get Soundwave and Shadowcaller!" Knockout said and we ran separate ways.

I can't wait to hug her. We've all missed her so much.

<>~Commander POV~<>

I felt myself start to feel the air. I fluttered my eyes and looked around. I was in the same room Megatron was when he was in statues.

I shook my head from the drowsiness and saw the wires attached to me. I ripped them off and stepped onto the floor. I looked around again and saw three glowing liquids on a table.

I walked over and saw a blue, a purple, and a red. I quickly looked around again and touched the red and purple. They lit up more then dimmed when I back away. It was my blood. They knew now.

"C-commander!" I whipped around and saw Breakdown. I smiled and he walked over. He hugged me and I hugged back. "I like warm hugs....." he muttered.

I hugged him tighter and thought about what Primus and I talked about.

"Commander!!" I heard Knockout yell. Breakdown let me go and Knockout hugged me tight. "OH MY PRIMUS WE MISSED YOU SO MUCH!!! SHADOWCALLER HAS BEEN SAD AND IT MAKES ME SO SAAAAAADDDD......" Knockout said.

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