Here I Come Again PT. 2

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( Meme Owner: Meh )
( Song Above: Animal I Have Become )

^~^Shadowcaller POV^~^

I watched as the yellow and black scout, the blue and pink femme, and the large red and blue mech, walked through the portal. I was in the corner again.

"Shadowcaller," I turned to the medic. "Do you wish for something to do?"

I shook my head and watched the large green mech draw. He was mumbling and I bit my lip.

The human was talking to the robot. The mech looked annoyed though. When he finished a plate, the medic came and took it. The human looked annoyed and took the bot's mop.

She activated a bridge and ran to it. She called to Bulkhead and I jumped back. What was she thinking?

They ran through and I gulped. Should I go through? No no.... I can't leave carrier!

I hopped up, grabbing Ratchet's attention from my quick movement, and ran down the hall the large mech had walked down.

I heard Ratchet following and looked in every room. When I made it to a torn room with cracks and holes every where, I ran in.

"Shadowcaller," Ratchet whispered. "Can you come out? It's not safe in here."

I heard the room shake and slapped myself to the ground. I was terrified. Ratchet shined a light in and saw my trembling frame.

He looked around the room and slowly walked in. He picked me up and slowly walked out. He froze when we heard the room shake again.

"There you go, Shadowcaller. Don't go in that room okay?" I gave a nod and Ratchet gave a small smile.

"Where is carrier?" I asked. Ratchet sighed and held me to his hip.

"This way." He said and slowly walked down the halls. This place was like a maze, believe it or not. Kind of like the Nemesis.

Ratchet opened a door and a sleeping femme laid on the berth with a hurt expression. Ratchet walked in and sat me down. I climbed behind my carrier and snuggled her.

Ratchet bent down and looked over our frames. He looked to be thinking something, but what?

"Shadowcaller," Ratchet said in a questionable tone. "How did your mom get this?"

I sat up and went to look what Ratchet was looking at. I tilted my head as I looked at the yellow ball. I flowed bright as it laid in her hand.

"What is it?" I asked. Ratchet had wide eyes as he stood. He was opening and closing his mouth as if trying to find the right words.

"When she wakes up, she will answer. I can't explain it in a way you would understand...." he said.

I looked at the ball and went to touch it. It floated away from me and I watched as it flew back to her hand, closer to her spark chamber.

What could it be?

~~Breakdown POV~~

We had recently located Bulkhead. His brain was holding information we need.

Knockout and I slowly walked into the monster truck building. We saw Bulkhead painting on the wall and we smiled. Science. And his little pet was beside him making a sad scene.

"Boo hoo," I said sarcastically. "I'm shedding lubricant!"

The girl jumped when he saw us. Knockout chuckled and we looked at each other.

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