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(Song Above: Borderline)

Shockwave typed quietly, checking his projects and equipment before the day could start.

He checked on his research, organized his tools, checked Prediking's vitals, checked the security cameras, and lastly cleaned up his desk.

Shockwave hummed in thought as he reread some notes he had written.

"Sire? Why are you up so early?" Asked a voice.

The mech sat the papers down and looked over to see the now not-so-sparkling sparkling. She yawned and was rubbing her one eye, looking to had just awoke from recharge.

"I am just checking up on the lab, sweetspark," Shockwave said. "Why Arn't you in recharge?"

The tall midnight purple colored femme looked at her Sire. Her one eye was red and was somewhat dimmed form the lack of recharge. Her frame was more bulked than other femme frames would, but you could still easily tell she was a femme. Her chest had fully healed unlike the femme's shoulder. It wasn't broken but it was dented and cracked brutally. Her sharp claws looked like her Carrier's.

The femme yawned once more, her mouth smacking.

Unlike her Sire, she had a mouth. She had a large eye like her Sire but got the mouth from her Carrier.

"Sparkterror," She said. "You?" She went to join her Sire's side, looking at the paperwork.

"Cleaning up." Was all the mech said.

The femme looked at her Sire with a face of 'you-got-to-be-kidding-me'. She looked at her Sire straight in the optic and scoffed.

"Are you thinking about Carrier again?" She asked.

Shockwave slouched and looked to the side. "Perhaps..."

The femme sighed and hugged her Sire. "I miss her, too." She said.

Shockwave hugged his sparkling back and held her head to his chest. She was at the human age of seventeen now.


"Yes, Crystolnia?" Shockwave asked.

The two locked optics. Crystolnia's frame shook ever so slightly.

"Can you sing me the song?" She asked.

Shockwave tilted his helm. "Now?"

Crystolnia nodded and let her Sire go. Shockwave sighed and sat in a chair that had been nearby. Crystolnia sat in the floor cross crossed.

Shockwave cleared his nonexistent throat and watched the femme closely.

"Hush Little Sparkling, Don't say word, Sire's gonna catch you a cyberbird. And of that cyberbird won't sing, Sire's gonna find you an ancient ring, and if that ancient ring turns to rust, Sire's gonna bring you the fallen's dust. And if the fallen's dust flies away, The new spark will come anyway. And if that spark breaks apart, Sire's gonna do his part. And if my part won't shine, Sire's gonna make it right. And if my quest is all a hoax, you'll be strong and live along." Shockwave sang. He was particularly good a singing but good enough to sing that song. He never really thought the song was necessary but Nig-Commander would always sing it to Crystolnia.

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