Starscream's Evil Game

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( Meme Owner: MEH!!!! )

It's been a few days since...... that. I couldn't get it out of my head. Everyone was still surprised. Was he that close to Soundwave? Why would he think that he was his sire?

I was in my room on my berth with Shadowcaller hugging my side asleep. I was on my data pad Megatron gave me and was researching human tactics on how they raise their children. It might come useful later even if we are different species.

Shadowcaller shifted and dug his claws into my metal. I looked at him. His lip was quivering and his eyes were closed like boulders. I heard little whimpers from him and sat the data pad down on the table beside me. He was having a spark terror.

I lightly plucked his claws from my metal and hugged him while rubbing circles into his back. He seemed to relax a bit, but soon sobbed. I didn't know what to do.

When we had spark terrors, or nightmares, someone would make us live it. To make our fears go away. It worked for some, but most were terrified. And that's one reason why there were.... rebels. A story for another time.

I rubbed his back and laid my head on his. He sobbed into my neck and mumbled.

"No..... Cawier....." He cried. It broke my spark. What was he dreaming about?

It was late, so not many heard his cry. It may have been soft, but with the echo in my room, it was noticeable if you listened carefully.

"Commander? It's Knockout.... Can I come in?" I sighed and lightly knocked on my table twice, as code for yes.

Knockout came in and saw me huddled on the berth with Shadowcaller. He looked out in the hall again and came in, locking the door. He walked over to me and sat.

"Can I see him a moment? I'm going to try and wake him up..." Knockout asked. I didn't like the idea of waking him up, but I nodded and handed him to Knockout. "Shadowcaller.... Wake up, it Uncle Knocksy..."

Shadowcaller sniffed and opened his eyes. "Uncle Knocksy?" He asked tiredly. Knockout nodded.

"It was all a dream, Shadowcaller. What were you dreaming about?" Knockout asked.

Shadowcaller sniffed and looked at me. He pointed to me and sniffed again. "Cawier...... It was on Cybertwon.... A mean wobot hurt her...." He said.

I looked away. I had the pod with me many times, but only two incidence were when I had the pod. The one on my shoulder...... and the one where I almost lost my life.

"Did you see who is was?" Knockout asked. Shadowcaller shook his head and buried his face into his chest.

"No, but it hurt me." Shadowcaller said. I felt dizzy suddenly and held my head.

"Commander? Are you okay?" Knockout asked. I gave a nod and let my arm fall from my helm.

"Cawier? Can I stay awake longer?" Shadowcaller asked. I looked at him and nodded. He smiled and hugged Knockout.

"I think that's another question. Do you want to see Uncle Hammy, too?" Knockout asked with a smirk. Shadowcaller nodded in his chest. Knockout looked at me. "Get some rest. We'll watch him, commander."

I shook my head and motioned that I would join them. Knockout sighed, but nodded. I stood and almost fell right back. I caught myself and took a light deep breath.

Knockout gave me a worried look and I gave a nod. He sighed and we walked out, but not before looking around.

We made it to med bay and I saw Breakdown on the computer. Shadowcaller giggled. "Uncle Hammy!!!"

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