And Here I Come Again

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( Meme Owner: Meh )

I had woken up due to someone shaking me awake. I sat up and without opening my eyes, stood.

"It's me," Starscream said. "We should go before anything happens."

I sighed, but gave a nod. He guided me through the desert until we heard a bridge. Starscream growled and pulled me behind a rock.

"And this is where you saw it?" Asked a voice. Megatron.

"Yes. I'm sure. She's here. We better get her back, Shadowcaller is getting sadder and sadder every passing day. I can't stand to see him frown." Knockout.

Starscream growled. "Let's go." He whispered. I shook my head. He growled and let me go. I stood from the rock and I heard the two gasp.

"Commander!" Knockout yelled and came to hug me. I walked to the side and he hugged me tight.

"Let's get you home, commander. We need you to cheer the sparkling up." Megatron said.

~~~Weeks Later~~~

"Come to papa." Knockout smirked as he ran for the artifact.

Bulkhead punched him and growled. "Run to mommy."

I punched him and kicked, but he threw me back and I held my side, which I landed on.

Breakdown snuck up from behind and grabbed his head. "Say uncle!"

I held in a laugh. What's with the pun? Am I the only one hearing this?

"Say it!" Breakdown pushed as he held Bulkhead in the air.

I started to fight Arcee and was winning.

I saw a bridge open up and stopped. Then I heard the artifact turn on.

I covered my helm and stumbled back. The noise was hurting too badly.

Breakdown slammed Bulkhead into the ground and the artifact went into his mind. The noise stopped and I fell to the ground. Breakdown ran to me and picked me up.

"You really took one for the team, Bulkhead. My team." Knockout said as he lifted the artifact.

Breakdown ran with me through our bridge with Knockout close.

We came through and Breakdown sat me down. I took large steps away from the artifact and eyed it carefully.

I have been back for a few weeks, but when I heard we have been artifact hunting, I knew I would be a huge part.

"Commander? What's wrong?" Knockout asked taking a step to me. I took a step back and pointed to the artifact.

The two looked at it. Then at me.

"When it turned on, she did fall in pain." Breakdown said. Knockout hummed in thought.

"That isn't right." Knockout said.

Soundwave walked over to me and gave me a huge hug. I smiled and hugged back.

Megatron came in while Knockout and Breakdown left and went to med bay. Soundwave and I walked to my berthroom to see Shadowcaller with Lazerbeak.

"Carrier! Sire!" Shadowcaller said as he jumped off my berth and ran to us. "How was the mission?"

'It was okay, Shadowcaller,' I said in sign language. 'But, I need to do some things. And you can come with me for a surprise.'

Shadowcaller jumped in the air. "Really!? What could it be!?"

I cocked my hip as a smile and Shadowcaller looked down shyly.

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