We All Have Jobs To Do, Even The Dead

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(Song Above: Voices)

Darkmount shook. Explosions could be heard. I held Crystolnia close before growling.

"Send all-" Before Megatron could finish I laid my servo on his Chassis. I shook my head and transformed my katanas.

"You can't possibly go alone!" Starscream said.

I huffed and twirled my swords. I looked at Shockwave and gave a nod. I turned to Crystolnia and kissed her helm before running out.

I ran down the halls along with some drones. Firing was heard.

We made it to the bottom and there was a large hole. I ran threw and growled. Wheeljack And Bulkhead had weapons that could prove difficult for me to take them down. They took down the seeker drones like nothing.

Drones ran past me to attack. I made my way threw the smoke, looking at my targets closely. They were running my way, to the hole.

Once they saw me the stopped. They looked at each other, exchanging words. Wheeljack grabbed a grenade and gave a smirk.

Once the grenade was thrown my way I never flinched. Landing right in front of me, I only looked down. I took my katana and stabbed the grenade, making the beeping stop.

I looked at the two and huffed. I kicked the grenade away. They aimed their cannons as I came closer.

"Look at Miss Sassy here, Bulk. We can take her." Wheeljack said taking his katanas instead.

"Jacky, no we can't." Bulkhead said taking a few steps back

"Sure we can! What's up with you?"

"She's a Spark Collector! She's beaten me many times! And Arcee!" Bulkhead yelled and shot some drones.

Wheeljack looked at me like he messed up. "Ohhhhh scrap."

I stopped and got in a battle position. Wheeljack did the same, activating his mask.

"Let's dance." He said before charging.

I stood straight as he came at me. As he was close enough he swung. I jumped up and flipped over him. I kicked him from behind and swung my katanas at his back. He bent down and dodged, trying to trip me. I stomped on his leg and elbowed the back of his neck. He grunted.

Wheeljack grabbed my turn hip and pulled out some wires. I hissed and stumbled back. Wheeljack swung his katanas and I blocked them. But one managed to cut my side. I grunted as I jumped up and kicked him in his helm.

I swung my katanas and got his chassis. I put my katanas away and transformed my whip. I whipped at him a few times before Wheeljack grabbed it and pulled me close, Head butting me.

I stumbled back and held my helm a moment before looked back at Wheeljack who smirked.

"Tick Tock."

I looked down and gasped. A grenade was strapped to my waist. I ripped it off and threw it in the air. It exploded the second it was over ten feet over me.

Wheeljack tackled me but I flipped him off and stabbed his shoulder. Wheeljack kicked my leg, causing me to fall. Wheeljack them took his own katana and tried to stab me from the ground. I luckily rolled away in time and grabbed my katana in his shoulder.

I stood on his chassis and looked at him in the optics. He glared.

"You really shouldn't let your guard down." He said.

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