Perhaps More

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(Artist: Chillsins)

(Song Above: Ghost)

I looked at Soundwave with a smile. Should turned away. I hugged Soundwave and he hugged back immediately.

Shockwave didn't say a word as he left. That made my spark break slightly. But I know I made the right choice.

Knockout smiled and Shadowcaller ran over. "Sire!"

Soundwave bent down to scoop him up and hold him. I smiled as I watched the two.

I turned to Knockout. "Could you make me new shades?"

He sighed but nodded. I didn't want anyone to see my eyes-no matter what.

"Sire? When is our home going to be repaired?" Shadowcaller Asked. Soundwave And I looked at each other.

I smiled slightly.

It will be repaired. But not before Earth is Cyberformed. Sure, sounds bad, but think about it.

Megatron says he wants to rule both worlds, but in reality Earth would help heal our world. Earth; Unicron. Cybertron; Primus. Yes, Unicron is the God of Destruction, but without destruction how will there be life?

I smiled. 'Soon,' I signed. 'And the Autobots won't stop us.'

Soundwave looked at me and a smiley icon popped up on his screen. I snickered.

-///-Crystolnia POV-///-

I sighed as I looked at the pink energon. It kept floating up.

"Crystolnia," Said a voice behind me. "What troubles you?"

"My Sire," I said without looking at Prediking. "Just my Sire."

He bent down to look at the energon. "I'm sure he does it to protect you."

I shook my head. He sighed and lifted me. I was taken by surprise as he held me in what humans called 'Bridal-Style'.

He twirled me around the. Left the lab. I hid my face, a little embarrassed by his actions.

Prediking walked down the halls and entered Med Bay.

Knockout looked at us and smiled big. "Well, well! What are you two here for, hm?"

I didn't look at him. Prediking brought me here. I have no idea why we're here.

"Doctor, would you care to give Crystolnia a check-up?" Prediking Asked.

I looked at him. "I don't need a check-up!" I whined.

I looked at Knockout to see him smiling bigger than I've ever seen him.


"Of course!" Knockout said and led us to the private room.

The room was mostly bland. A berth, Table, and a single computer stood. Nothing else.

Prediking laid me on the berth and stood next to me. I sat up and looked at Prediking. I tilted my head.

Knockout came in with some tools and began to do the basics. I sighed when he began to hum.

Knockout then looked at me. I looked at him. "Yes...?"

She looked at Prediking then me. "Oh nothing."

I rolled my optic then looked at the tools. Knockout packed up his things and gave a long sigh. He looked at me again with a smile.

"I'll leave you be." He winked then left humming a human tune.

"Um... What does that mean?" I asked as I watched him leave.

Prediking watched him leave as well before looking at me. "Maybe he went to analyze your data?"

I narrowed my optic. "You know something, don't you?" I asked.

"Perhaps I do." He smirked.

"And What May That something be?" I asked curiously.

Prediking sat beside me. "You'll know soon."

I huffed and leaned on him. He chuckled.

Knockout looked in and smiled. He then disappeared out of Med Bay.


"Do you fear me?"

"Perhaps you don't know who I am?"

"Don't fret. I won't kill you... Not yet anyway."

"I am the whisper to your call. I am an echo. I am everywhere. And I am in search of someone. Perhaps you could assist me?"


"All you have to do is one tiny thing. Even a sparkling could do it."

"Kill. Her."

"You know who I'm talking about."

"She is a threat to my mission. Slay her and you will be paid handsomely."

"Not with money..."

"A less painful death."

"I see you want to live?"

"Then I will repay you by killing all of your enemies."

"Do we have a deal?"

"Of course we do,"


Out of reach, using her sign of speech. A pod she protected, is about to be prohibited. Maybe you know her secret, maybe even are. But she won't be forgotten, fore she is the fallen


The last of the name are aligned as for the first may rest in line
Just as all seems bright and well
A darkness shall come and bid farewell


Never mind the wait
It's just a waste
Gotta go run
Hike hike hike
To the mountain top
Showers pouring from the sky
Help help help
A job well done
Doing anything she can
Over the mountains
Where do we go?


Only the true
If they have anything is common...
Then who could stop it all?


Thy Mother And Father
Come Out To Play
Shall No Fear Come Near
Fore Thy Children Shan't Shape Like Clay
Yet Thy Children Move Like Water
Thy Mother And Father
Come Out To Play
Shall He Is Out
And Thy Mech Has A Price To Pay



Yes, very short chapter. But this needed done and I'm getting writers block. Plus this was all this chapter really needed. :3

Hope you enjoyed.

-Killer Kamen

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