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( Meme Owner: Me!!!! )
( Song Above: You Are My Sunshine )

Shadowcaller laughed as he played with Knockout. Breakdown jumped in every once in a while. Soundwave was watching around for anyone. I was watching Shadowcaller play with my friends. Megatron sat beside me and looked in the sky on guard.

"Aw, come on, squirt! Your too fast for me!" Breakdown joked as Shadowcaller crawled fast across the ground.

"Aw, come on, Breakdown! Let's show him speed!" Knockout said and bumped his shoulder.

Breakdown sighed and watched as Shadowcaller tilted his head and made a cute 'eh'? Breakdown chuckled and I smiled.

"How did he ever deserve to be in this war?" Megatron asked me. I looked at him to see him looking at the three rolls playing in a trio.

I shook my head and looked back at them. Knockout was running at a speed that Shadowcaller couldn't catch up to, but was having a blast trying to. Megatron chuckled at Shadowcaller's laughter.

"He's too precious for this war, commander." Megatron said. I gave a nod. I heard a small movement behind us and looked at the corner of my eye. Soundwave was watching from the side.

I looked back at the cinnamon rolls and found Shadowcaller crawling on Breakdown's chest.

"Ba! Ba! Ba! Ba! Baaaaaaaaaaaaa!!!!!" Shadowcaller cried. Knockout and Breakdown laughed. I smiled big under my mask. Megatron laughed to. For a big warlord like him, I didn't know he could laugh.

I felt so tired after the long day. Shadowcaller was a energy grabber. I felt my eyes drift a bit and felt a slight yawn coming. I fought the yawn, but a tiny barely heard yawn escaped.

Megatron must have heard because he looked at me with a tilted head. I felt my head fall a bit and I jerked up, but it fell again. I tried again, but the same thing happened. I heard Megatron sigh.

"Cawier?" I jerked up and looked to my right. Shadowcaller looked worried and gave a small while. "What wong?"

I reached for him and he walked over to me. I held him to by chest and touched his nose. I shook my head and bumped our heads together. He smiled and giggled a bit.

I felt my eyes start to close again and felt my head go limp.

"Cawier?" I only flinched and went back down. "Cawier, tiwerd?" I have a tiny flinch and hugged him tight, scared that he will be taken from me.

"Let's get her to the Nemesis..." I heard Megatron whisper. I held Shadowcaller tighter and felt memories flood in.

The darkness. The experimenting. The pain. The 'treatment'. The 'right way' to live. The lose...... The deaths.

"Soundwave, can you carry her? We need to keep Shadowcaller from falling from her arms." Breakdown whispered.

"I can't hold her! She'll ruin my finish!" Knockout shouted. Every shushed him. "Okay! Okay! Sorry..." He whispered.

I felt Shadowcaller being taken from my grasp. I tensed but let him go. I felt hands wrap around my waist and lift me just enough to lift my legs. I was lifted off the ground what humans call, 'bridal style' and relaxed more.

Everything was becoming to quiet down and I felt okay. I heard a small spark beat and leaned in to listen better. I felt my head on someone's chest and listened to their spark beat. It was the last thing I heard before I was sucked into the dream world.

<~^~>Soundwave POV<~^~>

I nodded to Lord Megatron's command and bent down. I carefully grabbed her waist and her legs. She relaxed once I lifted her.

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