Fighting For Home

695 21 18

(Artist: jason park)

(Song Above: Ms Believer)

I held Shadowcaller close. Echocloud has his sniper close. Moonglade held his small dagger in the attack position.

Shadowcaller was tearing up. I bounced him and tried to calm him. I handed him to Moonglade.

'Protect him at all costs, Moonglade. I trust his life in your hands.' I signed to him.

"Of course M'Lord," he nodded holding Shadowcaller. "My energon must stain these floors before his."

I gave a nod then turned to Echocloud. He held his sniper close watching the path ahead.

I took a step forward. I transformed my Katanas before running ahead. The two followed holding their weapons (And Shadowcaller) close.

The Autobots were aboard and we had to find Crystolnia.

We ventured around and finally found her by the airlocks. I bend down beside her and looked her over. She held my servos and shook her head.

"I'm okay," she said softly. "Prediking is... gone."

I slowly nodded before helping her stand. We looked around before hearing the ruckus come closer.

I looked at Shadowcaller. He was shaking in Moonglade's arms. Moonglade was calming him in a soft voice.

I turned to Crystolnia to see her looking at me. The look in her eye indicated she was ready.

I looked at Shadowcaller again before sighing. I took him and began to calmly walk towards of the ruckus. They followed behind.

We stopped when a drone landed at our feet. We saw the wreckers and I cocked my hip. I transformed my whip.

"Stand down," Ultra Magnus demanded. "Or we will be forced to attack."

"Shadowcaller," Shadowcaller Slowly looked up and at Wheeljack. "It's alright, bud, 'Kay?"

Shadowcaller Slowly But barely nodded. He looked at me before hiding his face in my side.

"Do you wish to attack with a Sparkling?" Ultra Magnus questioned.

Attacking with a sparkling? He really is dumb.

I whipped at Magnus and brought him closer. I kicked him in the Chassis and hissed. Moonglade went after Bulkhead, dodging magnificently. Echocloud And Crystolnia went after Wheeljack.

I jumped off of Magnus and ran past them all. The others followed after. We began to run towards the main room.

We saw Soundwave at the computers. I ran over and hugged him. He hugged back and calmed Shadowcaller down.

I heard the wreckers and huffed. I was about to do After when Soundwave Put a servo on my shoulder.

The wreckers came in and my team hid, waiting for my mark. They ran towards us. Soundwave opened a bridge below them and they fell through.

My team came out and looked at each other before surrounding the area once more, drones following.

I took a deep breathe and transformed my whip. I turned to Shadowcaller and kissed his helm. He looked at me sadly and I gave him a reassuring smile.

I walked towards Moonglade and looked at Echocloud as I explained. 'I want the two of you on watch. Echocloud you try to distract the Autobots while Moonglade sets off his traps.'

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