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(Artist: Unknown)

(Music: Piano - Loneliness)

The dust in the air was thin. Partials glared about the terrain. Everything seemed quiet.

The dirt was warm with the mixture of sand. The metal heated it warmer than it should.

The femme walked the barren land from the war. This was the abandoned side of Cybertron. No one lived here.

The femme walked in a steady pace. She didn't speak as she looked ahead of her. Her processor was linked to one thing.

But how would she find them?


The femme in the throne had jewels around her hips and helm. They looked like pearls but Cybertronian sized. She was emotionless as she sat in her throne.

The room was quiet. The femme looked at her torn wrists and vented. She stood causing the guards around her to look at her.

She walked out of the room and into the halls. She might as well check up on her community.

She walked past the nursery first. She peered in to see Moonglade reading the children a scroll.

"Tell is about the sisters of Light and Shadow!" A red sparkling squealed. The others agreed.

I quietly snuck in and listened. We were all told this story as sparklings.

Moonglade chuckled. "Alright, Alright, get to your spots and I'll tell you the story." The sparklings day in front of him, waiting for the story.

Moonglade smiled. "Long ago, the Primes began to make life on Cybertron. Then they noticed a femme different from the rest-"

"Shadowsdust!" A purple femme yelled.

"Yes, Shadowsdust," he nodded. He cleared his throat to continue. "She was different. She was more agile, slick, and had the phases. The Primes Asked Primus Why She was so different. Yet they didn't get an answer."

"Then how did she become one of us?" A yellow one asked.

"More came like her, mechs and femmes," he continued. "And she lead them to war and victory. But she isn't known just for being the first Spark Collector, but for her beautiful nature."

A red and brown mech smiled. He was the oldest out of the rest.

"Tell us about her song!" He smiled.

Moonglade chuckled. "Now now, it's almost time for break."

Everyone whined. Megatron smiled. "Alright, one time." They cheered.

"She sang a lot," he began. "Some said it was the most beautiful thing o ever be heard. It's called The Silent Song."

"Why's it called that?" Asked the youngest sparkling.

"Only special ones can hear it," he said. "Others hear silence."

The sparklings looked at each other.

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