To Figure Out A Plan

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( MEME OWNER: You guesses it, MEEEE )

"Dang, commander. Not even two days and you have had to come in for injuries three times." Knockout said as he patched my right leg's calf. Optimus had flipped me making me land on a rock.

"Knocks, we have a slight problem....." I heard Breakdown say. We turned to look at him. "We have a trade...... Well, commander, you have a trade."

I stood and nodded. "This time, don't put a lot of pressure on it!" Knockout said. I nodded and followed Breakdown with a tiny limp.

Soundwave and Megatron stood in front of a screen looking tall and proud.

"Lord Megatron," Megaton turned to face Breakdown. "I have gotten the commander."

"Excellent. Come, commander. The Autobots wish for a trade." Megatron said. I did my slight limp as I walked over to the screen.

"Great, another Soundwave!" Said a voice. I saw a white and orange mech and took a slight step forward.

"You wanted a trade?" Megatron asked. The mech and others behind him nodded.

"We want to trade some questions with an object." The mech said. Then I realized who he was, Ratchet.

I put my hand up and said his name is Cybertronian sign language. The mech had wide eyed. "How did you know my name!?"

"Ratchet, that is a subject for another time," Optimus said. "Ask her the questions."

"Of course, Optimus," He turned to me. "What happened the night before you evacuated Cybertron?"

I looked at my shoulder and tilted my head. I looked at my hip that happened before I landed. Which was the scar before that night again?

I pointed to the one on my hip and put a thumb to my neck. I slid it across an pointed to me.

"You killed some Cybertronians?" I nodded but pointed to my spark chamber. "Your comrades died?" I nodded and stood straighter to ease suspicion of sorrow.

"Next question, how well trained were you?"

I heard Breakdown scuff and shift. I looked at him and motioned him to stand beside me. He looked at Soundwave and Megatron before doing so. I put my servo over my fist and nodded to Breakdown. He caught on.

"O-oh! Every day we train together. Even with her shoulder and other injuries, she moves swiftly and without sound or any sign of pain. When she does show pain, it's when she benches too long. Her motion is smooth and in rhythm, until her shoulder acts up." Breakdown explains.

"So you trained on a daily basses? For how long?" I made my finger circle around. "All day?" I nodded.

"Can I know why you returned to your pod?"

I stepped close to the monitor with a snarl in my lips. I pointed to the camera and transformed my servo into a whip. I made a giant crack sound with it and turned away, walking out of the room.

"Is that what you want?"

I froze and looked back. I walked back and nodded. Ratchet looked to the side of his optics and I grabbed the monitor. Everyone jumped as I started to stare into their sparks.

"M-meet me at these coordinates and we will make an agreement...." and the monitor turned off.

I couldn't control my anger. I clawed my servo threw the screen in one try. I then tore the wiring on one pull and threw it on the ground, placing my foot on it and smashing it.

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