Do You Know What's Fighting For?

913 17 59

(Artist: Buddy(?))

(Song: 21 Guns)

The laughter echoed upon the stars of the many sparks. The bright blue and white ones along with the yellow. They all seemed to dance together, happy.

I looked around.

I was floating in a black void with the sparks flying above.

I reached up, trying to reach the sparks. A bright yellow one came up to me and giggled. I looked at it in confusion.

The Spark morphed into a large femme. I gasped at her frame of black and gold with grey. She had flowers in a belt around her waste and a bouquet of some in her hands. She looked beautiful.

"Oh you poor thing," she joked. "Don't worry, I'll help you!" She grabbed my hand and pulled me close, hugging me.

I instantly hugged back. I didn't bother to hold my tears as they poured out. I choked on my sobs as I shook in her grasp.

"It's okay," She said as she rubbed my back. "Let it out."

I let her go and cupped her cheeks. I placed my forehelm on hers and let the tears continue to fall.

"It's okay. See? I'm okay! I missed you too." Sunbleach said with her loving smile. I smiled with her.

I wiped my tears and chuckled a bit. I was in the well of all sparks-the All Spark.

"Guess who else is here?"

I looked at Sunbleach and gasped when more figures morphed. There stood Scalpel, Tide, Windclasher, Venom, And even a femme I have never seen before.

"M'Lord," Scalpel bowed, everyone else following.

Except the femme.

I looked at her in confusion and curiosity. A large hood hid her face causing it hard to see anything underneath.

"My dear," she spoke. "Look At how grown up you are..."

I tilted my head slightly in confusion.

She reached for her hood and pushed it off. I gasped when I saw her eyes. They were almost like mine, just less colors.

She smiled softly. "My dear Night," She said as she spread her arms out. "Give your Carrier a hug."


I gasped as I sat up quickly in my berth. I held my spark and looked around. Only a dark room.


I looked down and relaxed slightly. Shadowcaller rubbed his optics as he looked up at me.

I sighed and lifted him. I placed him on my hip and walked out into the hall.

The lights were dull as always but the shadows seemed to glow.

I always double glanced at the shadows, swearing I had seen figures in them. Lurking. Waiting. Watching.

I was making my way to Soundwave's room when I was stopped.


I turned around and held Shadowcaller more closely. Starscream looked at the two of us as if surprised. I took a step back when he took a step forward.

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