Arn't The Flowers Pretty?

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(Song Above: I'll Be Good)

"Moonglade," called the child. Her small frame was bent over as she looked into the clear stream. She was new to this planet. As was Echocloud. "What is this?"

"That, Sunstar, is a water stream." I said.

She smiled as she stuck her servo into the cold stream. She giggled and moved it around, moved by its unique structure.

I the sky was bright. Not many clouds were out.


I looked down to face the small femme. She had a curious look in her optics. Her blue and white optics.

"Yes? What is it, child?" I asked.

"You talk about this femme. I forgot what her name was. Who is she exactly?" She tilted her head.

I sighed. "I think it's time to tell you and Echocloud."

"Tell us what?" Asked a voice behind me. I turned around to see Echocloud with a large stick. Or a branch on Earth terms.

"Take a seat." I said. Echocloud went over to Sunstar and sat down. I sat across from the children and looked them both in their optics before venting.

"So? Who is she?" Sunstar asked.

I bit my lip and reached into my Spark Chamber. I pulled out a picture of her and I. I looked it's interior over once more before handing it to the children.

"Sunstar, since you are a Cyberwolf you may not know of her. Echocloud, do you remember our leader?" I asked as they looked at the picture.

Echocloud furrowed his optic ridges. "The femme looks familiar. Everyone listened to her, right? Was she our leader?" He looked at me.

I nodded. "Indeed. She was by far the most caring leader we ever had. She had risked her life many times just for others. She was top of the top class at a younger age than you. The most feared out of the whole clan," I explained. The two listened carefully. "Once the war raged, she declared that they have no assistance in it. Of course, that was broken. The base was attacked and that mech you saw was a terror con. That was one of the things that had attacked. Killed out many. Many, however, survived and escaped but died in combat from Autobots or Decepticons. Our race, the Spark Collectors, was thought to be wiped out. Along with Cyberwolves."

"So you're saying," Echocloud started. "That we are he only ones that survived the war of our races?"

"You're smart, boy," I said. "Sunstar is the final Cyberwolf. You and I are only one of few left."

His optics widened. "There are more of us!?"

"Five," I said. "Including you and I. Two are half Collector."

"How can you be half Spark Collector? Arn't you the same race as the other Cybertronians just a different clan?" Sunstar asked.

I shook my head. "Spark Collectors are a clan in a way, but we are also a different race. Other Cybertronians do not possess our phases, changes, or functions."

"Name some." Echocloud said.

"The Standard Spark Collector Phase," I started. "The Advanced Spark Collector Phase, we are more flexible, we have less chance of dying from diseases, we can live longer without energon, we are mostly fast learners. That's pretty much all. But what causes us to be to different are the phases."

"Phases? What are they like?" Sunstar asked.

I thought about how I should explain it. "They are dangerous, even if they are standard. If not cured fast enough you can go on a rampage."

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