Fight To Prove To Her

783 27 72

(Artist: Riricomic🐝)

(Song Above: Failure)

The dust was thick. The bodies laid around the femme that stood in the middle of them all. She held her swords by her sides as she looked around.

Autobots, Rouges, And Decepticons lay in puddles of energon. Many had the look of fear or pain. Some had died mid-scream. Others fell with stubborn action.

She was covered in energon-none of it hers. She twirled her swords before putting them away.

A femme laid in a crooked angle, her back being snapped and her legs broken. She almost looked like a life-size rag doll.

The femme stepped over her body and left them to decay. She had better things to do.

She had to find that Spark Collector.


-///-Crystolnia POV-///-

"Sire, can I just leave the lab-"

"No! Crystolnia if there is more I do NOT want you effected! Stay in the lab." Shockwave demanded.


"Crystolnia." Shockwave glared at me and I sighed.

"Yes, Sire..." I sighed and sat down. I laid my helm on the desk as I stared at the small invention I made.

I turned it on and the machine rolled around the desk. It was small, scraplet sized. He began to play some music happily as he rolled around. I softly smiled.

I heard the lab door open but didn't bother to look over.

Sire was working on the parasite energon. That's what I called it. He called it "Cyber-Mattific-Enegon". He things it's a sort of cyber matter. But from a different planet.

I felt as if flying and looked over to see Prediking. He smiled. "Bored I see?"

I smiled. "King!" I hugged him and he chuckled.

Shockwave muttered to himself angerly. Prediking must had heard some of it because he looked over with a deep frown.

"Ignore Him!" I said.

Prediking nodded and sat me down.

"Sire can we-"


I watched him. "But just for-"


I glared at him. "Really-"


I groaned. "STOP-"

"Stop asking or I'll say no." He said as he looked up.

I huffed. "Then imma leave!"

Shockwave didn't show emotion and looked back to the parasite. I smiled and walked towards the door, Prediking following.

"Step foot outside that door and I'll ground you."

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