Chapter 1, Turn 2

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    Outside Eddington Academy -- that same night -- stood two silhouettes, talking in the dark. The individual figures were differentiated only by the voices which appeared in front of their mouths, and how the one on the right wore a hat, contrasting the other... who did not. The night was cold and dark, as the only activity around and in the school should have just been after-school activities finishing up, like the clubs, but other people had decided to loiter, such as these two people. We'll call them... 'gentlemen'... for now.

    "So, what have you decided to come to me with on this chilling Tuesday night, Cuprite?" The man with the hat spoke in a deep voice -- deeper than the darkest of pits -- possessing an overdone British accent (as though he were some sort of villain in an action story with secret agents).

    "The next set of blueprints that Scarlet-Andesite finished for public transportation advancements- That's what." The man without a hat spoke in a higher register- Nasally. 

    "Excellent. Now, no one will ever need to drive again, for certain." The hatted man spoke behind a smile, his face becoming aglow from a pool of crispy, yellow light that was pouring out from a nearby window. 

    "Hm, you know... I always find myself askin' this question when I'm by my lonesome, but, boss, what is it with your grudge against cars and driving anyway?" The second silhouette, known as Cuprite, asked. 

    "It is simply an outdated form of getting from one point to the next. We, as mankind, are capable of so much more in this day and age. However, there is no real push yet- No real lobbying sense to be gained from demonizing automobiles and romanticizing trains or, per say, jetpacks- Planes, even. Thus, it is up to us, as we begin to romanticize non-private expenditures upon travel and slowly make rid of this world's fascination with trucks, tractors, and vans." The first stranger balled a fist.

    Around them, some snow fell off the hoods of cars, gracing along the wind. 

    "As Scarlet-Andesite can tell you, we've already made a significant pounding into society's... outlook. This city, for instance, has now made the use of any automobile... illegal. Little Japan now relies heavily on trains, and the metro." 

     "Ah, I see. Nice monologue, boss." Cuprite snapped his fingers, both hands smacking into the vacuous night, and then turned to leave. "Well, I'll be on my way I guess. I should go back- Check up on Rouge-Adakite." 

     "Hm, quite. She has been... making me paranoid, as of late." 

     "Huh. How so, boss?" 

     "She's been suspicious... I fear she may be a Judas in our midst." The man put a hand to his hat, strays of brown hair wiggling over the knuckles of his fingers. "Can I require you -- the one agent in our organization who doesn't go by a color-prefix before his codename -- to extract any information from Rouge-Adakite that might be... detrimental to our... reparation of the world? Go out there and make our organization proud! We've come this far!" The hatter's wildly raspy voice hung on the air like a warm, moist towel. 

     "Aye, boss. Count me in. It's the one thing I'm special for here, right? I do this kinda job all the time. I'll meet with her around the neighborhoods that border this academy when next I see her." Cuprite's face was revealed to be a pale, white canvas which embodied thin lips, and brown eyes under a quick ray of light from Eddington Academy's windows. 

     The youthful agent, his naturally thin gaze widening for as much as it could go, walked backwards and gave a cheery thumbs-up amidst the dark winter scene.     


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