Chapter 3, Turn 4

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             There was an uncomfortable pause that seemed to be quieter than that of the winter snow. This snow had been giving the city of Little Japan a gracious flurry. Spring would come in full bloom for certain since Winter was exercising her efforts as healthily as ever. The deep-voiced man with the top-hat -- The Inquisitor -- had seemed to look over to the side of where he and Cuprite were standing, and appeared to have no intention of looking back. 

    "So," Cuprite inhaled the painfully chilling wind. "what's your name?" 

    "Hm? My name?" The Inquisitor turned, his right eye opened more than his left. 

    "You somehow got away with me telling you my name, I expect a return in the favor, if you don't mind... boss." 

    "You don't need to know." The Inquisitor pointed to the moon, which was white and full, much like the snow. "Besides, haven't you ever visited the Café Merlot?" 

    "What?" Cuprite's eyes widened and squinted, back and forth, as Scarlet-Andesite suddenly came from behind the Inquisitor. 

    "That's him, sir. That's the traitor." The woman, wearing a pair of silver glasses, pointed at Cuprite. 

    "SCARLET?" Cuprite backed up, his hands shaking. 

    "Hm, I always thought. It's always the ones closest to you, hmph. I figured I'd have him chasing you and the other one to see if I could get him to open up to any of you. It would appear that that worked! My plan was fool-proof from the start." The Inquisitor laughed. "It would also seem, however, that the other girl was an actual doubter too... and that's unfortunate." 

    "I'll give you a head-start, Todd. Run! Run as fast as you can, and I'll see if I can catch you." Scarlet-Andesite brushed at her chocolaty brown hair. 

    "Nora! Nora Vanderbilt." Cuprite -- now known as Todd Grayson -- shot a scowl darker than his outfit. 

    "You won't run?" The girl cocked her head back. "Not sure what good saying my real name will do, by the way. I'm not a traitor, like you." 

    "Well... first, I was thinking about making some distance between me and 'Inquisitor'." Todd put his hands up and backed away some more, each step digging into the snow-covered ground.

    Each step he took was an excavation into the ice that bit back at his already cold feet. I wasn't dressed thick enough for this. Hm. Nora is laying it on thick, though.  

    "Oh, what? You two need a room?" The Inquisitor clapped his hands, chuckling more. 

    "And perhaps more than just one room at that." Todd smirked. "Oh, what, I can't get in on your funny jokes, even though I'm the one that they're about? Seems oddly exclusive." 

    "Alright, alright. I'll go see what Enderbite and Diorite are doing." The Inquisitor walked away, slowly. "Oh, but if the talking gets out of hand, here's a little gift." The man handed Scarlet a gun. 

    "Oh, how special." Todd spit at Scarlet. "Congrats, you've upgraded from a Redrider BB-Gun."  

    "Quite. This looks to be in mint condition, too." Scarlet licked her lips. 

    "Alright, well, I bid you a gracious farewell, Inquisitor." Todd waved through his black gloves. "I guess I won't be seeing... any of you... soon."  

    Seconds after the Inquisitor had gone some many feet, Scarlet looked back to Todd with glaring eyes. "So, I don't think we need a long, emotional talk. I should just shoot you right here and now."

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