Epilogue 3

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    Charlie, Kevin, and Jonah were now at the water park which was in the cellars of the Hinge Corporate building. They had paid at the front window and were now getting to know all sorts of strangers as they trekked the wonderland of aqua. An underground water park as it was, dim cement had encased the activities. Kevin stretched a lot as he'd wait in lines to go down long and vibrant slides.

    "This shit is pretty solid." Kevin winked at Jonah. 

    "That's totally fucking gross." Charlie coughed into his elbow crease. 

    "I just meant-" 

    "I know what you meant. Us three boys, discovering this area is underneath the groundfloor of a car company. I know, I know. It is actually pretty cool so far. I really was only ever interested in the 'lazy rivers' around these places, you know?" 

    "Lazy river?" 

    "It's a pool that wraps around the entire waterpark which keeps moving forward in a direction. Most people get in tubes and just ride the waters along. I, of course, prefer something more adventurous like surfing or... eating the concession food." Jonah pointed over to a stand of corn-dogs and cheese fries. 

    "Interestingly gross." Kevin crossed his arms over his pale chest. 

    "You know what's not interestingly gross?" Charlie put a hand on Kevin's bare shoulder. "Your swim trunks and exposed abs." 

    "Why thank you. I feel like I get a pretty good workout from helping around our apartment." Kevin traced the tip of his ring-finger over one of his nipples, the pink skin shriveling slightly to a hard masterpiece.

     "My goodness. I'm sure that workout makes you pretty hard, huh? I know I'm hard." 

    "Well, how's about we go into this 'lazy river' with Jonah and see if we can't do any naughty things? Perhaps it's a bit too immature of me to wanna try and mess with something like that." 

    "Perhaps out of character, even." Jonah rubbed the back of his neck. 

    Kevin nodded. "Perhaps out of character, too."

    Soon enough, as the sun began to set, the park began to close for the day. Everyone went home... save for the three boys, who'd forgotten to leave in time. They were still laying around, having fallen asleep in the lazy river. Unfortunately, when Jonah went to try out the door for an exit, it was locked from the other side. 

    "Jonah... why do you look scared? Can you not- not open the d- door?" Kevin frowned, placing his hand softly on his boyfriend's pale and bare shoulder. 

    "Jonah?" Charlie bent his head to the side, water escaping his ears. "What's wrong?" 

    Jonah took a deep breath and let his mouth fall agape. "Should I call the cops for an emergency? We're... trapped."


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