Chapter 2, Turn 2

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    "Cuprite, I suspect everything is alright with Rouge-Adakite, yes?" A hatted man, his voice purring deeper than any reasonable rasp could go, turned to face a young Asian fellow. 

    "She's fine, sir. We had a talk the other day in the snow while walking across the neighborhoods that lay next to the school. She said she wants to keep working for the organization." The coal-eyed agent smiled, his left eye twitching. 

    "Is that... so? Well, carry on then. Scarlet-Andesite, yes, has discovered a few new things regarding public transportation. She's an important asset to our group, and I intend to keep it that way. I'll look into Rouge-Adakite myself, then. You've done your job very well." 

    With that, Cuprite began to walk away from his boss. "Aye-Aye. Thanks for the report."

    They had stood right outside a huge apartment complex, their meetings always in secret, and at night. Cuprite always seemed to appear out of nowhere, as his boss stood waiting around for him, looking at his own wristwatch with obsession. 

     Somehow, the couple men never were caught to be suspicious people, and probably because the two never met during the day, especially now, as they spoke on a brisk Saturday night.

     "This night looks lovely." The boss put a hand to his cheek, his fingers almost scraping at his stubble. "Lovely, lovely, lovely! I barely see any clouds. What a spectacular performance of weather and climate. I can see... outer-space!"

     "Hm?" Cuprite turned back. Is he about to bust out another monologue? 

     "Reminds me of that day." 

     "Huh?" Cuprite shoved his hands into his pockets. How can a 'night' remind him of a 'day'? Haha. Oh, that's funny- I'm funny. 

     The hatted man's face was a conflicted smile, the skin by his eyebrows creasing as his lips curled up. "No." The older man shook his head. "Nothing." Then, the man looked up to the railings which made up one of the balconies of a nearby apartment. "Continue on, Cuprite! I trust you'll continue with keeping Rouge-Adakite at bay. Hm, you and Scarlet-Andesite are my two closest agents. You both have undoubtedly earned my trust. A funny thing, that is,  considering I find it hard to trust even myself sometimes." 

     "Aye, boss. Sure thing!" Cuprite waved, then jumped, in an acrobatic fashion, away from the scene. 

     As the young man dashed away, he felt his phone vibrate a text. 

     Cuprite looked at it with a tad bit of shock. 

     What could Scarlet-Andesite be messaging him for just now? She was such a higher-up in the organization, and, as such, she only ever spoke with the boss. In fact, most people only knew her by name from the boss, and couldn't place a face to her. Cuprite felt it strange.  

     "Oh, actually, Cuprite! One more thing, wherever you are!" The boss tilted his neck up to the tall trees that sat around him. 

     "Um?" Cuprite's face fell, a bit disturbed. Why is he being so loud? He could break our cover. 

     "From now on, you need not call me 'boss'. Instead, you may call me," The deep purr of the elder man's voice ricocheted off the siding of a nearby apartment. "Inquisitor." 

     "Uh, alright! Yes, sir! I mean- Aye, Inquisitor!" The young agent ran two fingers through his bangs, scaling up against a lamp-post. "Now why did Scarlet-Andesite send me a text?" Cuprite whispered to himself. 


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