Chapter 2, Turn 5

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    "Tanaka!" Nora and Marissa found Tanaka walking with Marian in the city, one Saturday afternoon- Almost a week from last, when Tanaka and Marian went shopping together.

    "Nora!" Tanaka waved. 

    "Hug!" Nora raced over to her friend, doors of local businesses roaring to a close and an open. 


    Marissa winked. "You two are just too cute." 

    "I wouldn't disagree, cousin." Marian laughed. "They're like a brother and sister."

    "Well, one could say that. I don't know, I've always thought they were a bit more than that, but... it could just be my imagination." 

    "Imaginations are nice, I'd imagine. Hm, imagine that. Anyway, the weather's nice. We could go fishing." Marian twirled her wrist, a fuzzy black wristband covering her olive-colored skin. 

    Marissa teased the side of her hair. "Fishing? That's pretty random. By the way, you should come stop by the Cooking Club one day. It'll be fun to try and explain to people that you're somehow my cousin." 

    "Did someone say fishing?" The voice of one flamboyant Charlie Monolow could be heard across the sidewalk, bouncing off every atomic shred of matter which existed in that moment.

    "Charlie?" Marissa turned, her blue eyes widening, seeing Jonah... yet the two boys were lacking a Kevin. "Wait. Where's your third boy?" 

    "Well..." Jonah looked down at the rocky sidewalk, his orange hair slicked back. "... that good ol' jet-black haired, one of a kind man... is... kindof in his own little world right now. He'll be needing some space- Like any good astronomer! Though, he's not exactly an astronomer-" 

    "I hope he's okay, but right now, me and Jonah are shopping to get our heads out of the ruminative gutter." Charlie tossed an arm out, wearing his usual red turtle-neck. "Wanna join? We'll be an army, buying these places out of their house and home!" 

    "Oh, boy." Marissa tossed a hand out in Jonah's direction. "Drama, huh? That's got to really suck fucking dick, especially with three guys, instead of just two."  

    Charlie winked. "You have no idea, sister." 

    "Wow, Marissa. I know you're not one to have a filter but... damn! That was gritty." The red-headed beauty scoffed. 

    "What can I say? Can't help it. Was born this way!" Marissa rolled her eyes, her chubby thighs pressing against the innards of her skirt. 

    "So, how convenient that we're all here, 'cuz... does anybody want to go hit up the Café Merlot?" Jonah smirked wildly, his green jacket buttoned up all the way to his neck.

    Covering up any hickeys, perhaps?  

    Tanaka ran a hand through his prickly stubble. "The Café Merlot? Wow, I haven't been to that place in a... while. Last time I was there would've been... a while ago, yeah." His eyes darted up to the sky. 

    "Easy there, handsome! Don't strain yourself." A joking laugh was heard from Charlie. "Memories can be challenging, I know." 

    "So, Jonah, what's going on with Kevin anyway? It's been like... a week." Marissa asked the freckled boy in private, as the rest of the group walked on through the city. 

    Their sights were set upon the many skyscrapers, which seemed to reach all the way towards the afternoon sun. 

    "Sorry, but that's private information." Jonah put two fingers to his chin. "I know you girls are so addicted to drama and all, but this is serious." The peppy-spoken boy talked with his eyes closed in a relaxed manner.

Phrenology: E-Lunar (3) Route A (MANUSCRIPT)Where stories live. Discover now