Chapter 3: Turn 3

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     "Say... have you ever heard of the Cask of Amontillado?" The voice of Fitz Coy, angrily, whispered behind Mr. Amontillado.

     The innocent man who he had led into the deep, dank cellars of the Café Merlot.

     "No... not yet. I don't think I've ever gone over that story with my students yet. Why? Um... Fitz? What are you doing? Fitz! It's dark in here." 

     "Do sleep well, hm?" Fitz managed to trap Amontillado in a part of the cellar where he could quickly, quietly lock a door behind him. 

    "Fitz!" The customer banged on the door. "L- LET ME OUT! What do you think you're doing? IS THIS SOME SORT OF JOKE? I- I'm not laughing! I'm not into small places, man. It's too tight, here!" 

     "Sing, sing, sing all you like." The darker Fitz smiled. "You know too much." 

     "Fitz!" the customer shrieked and began to speak in a begging tone, tapping softer, and softer, on the door. "Buddy, let me out! We're friends right? Fitz- Fitz Coy! Fitzbartholomew McCoy! You wouldn't do this to a customer, right? A reoccurring customer?" 

       "Oh, the amontillado... the amontillado. What a shame." Fitz's darker personality began to pilot him away from the scene of the crime. 

      "What are you gonna do with some dead guy's body in your cellars? Fitz! I have kids- I HAVE A WIFE, GOD DAMN IT! WHAT ARE THEY GONNA THINK WHEN I DON'T COME HOME TONIGHT?" 

     "Amontillado, Amontillado." Fitz laughed, standing outside the door.

      Quickly, Fitz made his way back upstairs. A smile curved on his lips as he walked on- It was a feeling of victory. After all, that poor customer had almost put the pieces of the puzzle together. 

     And what would they have done, then? 

     "This... is wrong. You know that, right?" Suddenly, the 'normal' Fitz began to squeeze at the side of his face. 

     "Do you think I care? We're going to change this world... just like daddy had intended." 

     "No, you're not real." 

     "I'm very much real. I am in the ichor in your veins... created from your father.

     "My father... died soon after I was born. He- He didn't want to be a part of this... plan!" 

     "Do you remember our father? You're practically a 'demi-god', Fitz. And yet... you resist it." 

     "Because I just want to be the CEO of a car company, Bartholomew!" 

     "What a normal dream it is you dream. The world these days is too chaotic, violent. It is a sin to not have lofty goals. Wanting a quiet, humble pleasure has become the new 'counter-movement'." 

     "Heh, I'm tired, Bartholomew, and... I can't refute the point. Advancements have gone so far that to wish for a retro lifestyle has become the new 'lofty'. And that murder you just committed... will come back to bite you. I'm tired of you taking over and leading me to be the leader of a crime syndicate. I'm tired, Bartholomew!"


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