Chapter 1: Turn 1 (Talk About Your Feelings)

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     One afternoon, it had been storming. The wind was howling. Rain had been beating up against the windows of Charlie, Jonah, and Kevin's apartment. The figure of Todd Grayson could be seen running about outside the complex.

    "I think I wanna go sit outside." Charlie smiled a relaxed smirk as he walked past the couch that added flare to the three boys' living room. 

    "What's up with him?" Kevin shrugged as he made lunch in the small kitchen, piling bread atop bread... with more bread. 

    "Oh yeah! He's a pluviophile, remember?" Jonah winked. 

    "Oh, yeah... I think I remember Tanaka saying that once." Kevin blinked his yellow eyes as he made sandwiches. "Not really." 

    "When one randomly feels angry, it's good to sit out amongst the rain. It really helps to see the big picture when all you can really sense are thunder, lightning, and torrent." Charlie spoke aloud as he sat by himself, outside of the apartment and on the patio. 

    "I actually said it once, Kevin! Anyways. The ambiance is pretty great out here." Jonah suddenly appeared, calling back inside the house. Having opened the door to the patio very quietly, he turned to his blonde boyfriend. 

    "Hm. Yeah. It's pretty refreshing." Smiled Charlie. 

    "Your hair's getting noticeably longer. You really gonna become like those chefs who have long hair?" 

    "I will." Looking on into the never-ending rain with one of his dear boyfriends, Charlie smiled a very relaxed smile. 

    "Well, that's good. I still haven't decided on what my dream is. To be honest... my dream is you guys." Jonah blushed, the redness of his face matching the ginger-color of his hair. 

    "Really?" blurted Charlie, snapping his head to Jonah. "That makes me feel... very happy." 

    "For reals. But... there's something in the way of that dream." 

    "What's that, Joney?" 

    Jonah muttered softly as the rain got harder, "Kevin's problems with his dad. It's... obstructing our relationship, wouldn't you say?" 

    "Hm. Yeah, I would. I guess that's... one of the reasons why I wanted to go and sit out here amongst the storm. But, we'll deal with it when we get there. For now, let's just enjoy the rain. We'll find a solution, Jonah. And if we don't... then I guess we'll keep failing until we succeed. I think- I think that's what love is." Charlie took a somber breath among the afternoon torrent- the smell of dew invading his nose and resting on his lips. "Ironic, huh? A few weeks ago, you were trying to calm me down over Kevin. Now, here I am telling you that it'll be alright." 

    "Hm. You're correct." Jonah put his arm around Charlie as Kevin came out with quesadilla sandwiches. Soon all three of the boys were in an embrace as Charlie began nodding off to rest.

    "Well, guys... I guess it's time I tell you what's been going on. I don't think making quesadillas has been successful in taking my mind off of it." Kevin, looked out into the never-ending storm that was face-to-face with them across the safety of the patio. 

    "Hm?" Jonah looked as Charlie was soon fast asleep, cuddling himself between his two other boyfriends. 


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