Prologue 2

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    "Now that I've left the organization -- or rather -- now that I've been exiled from it, I want to change. I've already 'died', after all. Met my -- fake -- untimely demise. So, now it's time to be born again." A nasally voice drifted from the soft, cold air one misty Sunday evening.

    "Is that so?" A feminine voice contrasted the masculine one, the source revealing itself to be a blonde woman. "Will this 'new you' have a thing for the juices which come from oranges?" 

     Shaking his head, one Todd Grayson blinked. "Yanno, I never really cared all that much for oranges. Lemons, however, are just my kinda thing. The perfect fruit, honestly! And... I'm not proud of what I've done, ya see. Scarlet-Andesite... is gone. Somewhere- And it's not just about her. I'm tired of things always ending horribly with me and my exes. She wasn't the only girl who I just couldn't keep it under control with. Having amicable break-ups is... a pipe-dream, it seems. She didn't... want closure- At least, 'not yet'... were her words." 

    "Hm, so you want to end your future relationships on good notes? Well, that's a noble goal, Todd. Not many men think to be so mature when the time comes for the curtains to close. But I'm curious. What do you intend to do about it?" 

    The blonde haired woman ran a fingertip down the side of her neck, seemingly getting a scratch at something. The night was dark and the air was only slightly still, so not much could be made out from the two figures, other than Todd's straight, longish, black hair and how it clung to the sides of his face. The curvy, blonde woman paced around him, her legs strutting with attitude as she cocked her head forward. Every now and again, she would shove a hand into her right pocket... only to, quickly, take it out. Her arms were of a fidgety nature, as she would often play with her fingers while Todd spoke. 

    "It's simple, really, Rouge-Adakite. I thought for sure you'd make some good speculations on what I'd do." Todd coughed. 

    "I thought I told you to start calling me by my real name, Cuprite." 

    "But if I do that... I'll definitely never get your teacher disguise outta my head. And boy, do you look absolutely drab as a teacher. You look so much older than you really are. Tell me, Rose, do you like being a teacher? Does it really pay the bills? Do you really get to engage with students all that much- Make a difference in society? Do you... really get to drink all the orange juice you want? Hmph." 

    Rouge-Adakite put both her hands to her hips, tilting her body from side to side. "Of course I get to drink all the orange juice I want! I've never had a better job than this." 

     "I wonder if it's possible to have an addiction to orange juice. Every day, it seems more and more likely with you." Todd put a hand to his cheek, then quickly crossed his arms. "I imagine you can take anything too far, my own noble goals included." 


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