Prologue 3

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    "The city of Little Japan... is an isolated one, now. Lonely!" The deep voice of the Inquisitor wafted through the air, as he walked around at night with two men -- Apricot-Enderbite and Cyan-Diorite --, by his side. "All these neighborhoods so close together, and yet... one can't simply just walk over to the other, for the roads are too busy and dangerous with all of the hustle and bustle of... public transportation! It's like we all live under some martial-law now. This is... paradise. No cars to harm anyone I love, from now on."

    "How was your visit with your brother, Apricot-Enderbite?" Cyan-Diorite's blue hair was softly blowing in the wind of the night. 

    They trekked across streets with lamp-posts, and houses full of people who were fast asleep, getting ready for Tuesday morning. 

    "Interesting, to say the least- And I'm going for another one later this week, if that's alright." The frost-haired young man yawned- The night, late, and the agent, seemingly tired. 

    The Inquisitor nibbled, suddenly, on his left hand. "Hm, with two agents- No, three agents gone... it's just us. How lonely we've become! We could go on like this -- suffering like lonely bastards -- or we could recruit new members." 

    Apricot-Enderbite frowned, then smiled. "Not a fan of threesomes, Inquisitor? I think going on like this is just fine. You, Inquisitor, were all influential just by yourself, with the propaganda you started. We were just buddies and assistants, helping to keep it around and make sure it stayed in its pushed force. Made sure that our occupation continued holding its momentum over the town, but you- You started it! That's something to be proud of. Any perceived form of 'loneliness' shouldn't take you down. You're better than that!" 

    Cyan-Diorite glanced over with a confident stomp to his step. "Hmph, I agree. This crazy, crazy world with its sufferings and inefficiencies- We can save it! We can... change it. Make it a better place for everyone. Now is the time." 

    "Quite. I, however, really appreciated the role that Scarlet-Andesite had. She was always doing research on the next biggest projects regarding public-transportation. Now that she's gone... I will need one of you to take that role. She was the biggest asset to all of this, and henceforth the lousiest traitor." The Inquisitor clenched a fist. 

    The night air was crisp. It had the smell of dew to it, in a sort of signaling for Spring to take over Winter's harsh grip on the land. 

    The weather flowed fine as the moon positioned itself higher and higher in the sky. Dark clouds seemed to huddle around the moon, like baby pups to their mother's milk. The golden glow from the nightly heavens became absorbed by tall trees, and even taller buildings, which sprouted among the urban planes of Ontario. 

    "I will take that role, Inquisitor." Apricot-Enderbite raised his hand. 

    "Really?" The hatted-man stuffed his hands into the pockets of his tall coat. 


    "Then... could you do me a favor? Call me, 'dad'."     


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