Chapter 3, Turn 5

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    "This kid... from what the red-head said... is only a beginner, yet he's amazing!" Cyan-Diorite creased his forehead and throttled his right foot down on the gas pedal, as he raced against Tanaka.

    I can do this... because I'm focused! Tanaka bit his bottom lip. I remember what my favorite professor... Mr. Miguel... said to me once. He said that nirvana, heaven, and the divine-state are when one is in perfect concentration. If Charlie can become an awesome cook -- the best cook -- and if Marissa can become one of the best online critics out there... then I can at least do this!

    "All right kid, ya beat me." Cyan-Diorite suddenly pounded his foot on the break pedal, his voice raspy, yet calm. "In a straight race, you're slick, but, that is simply the make of a well-to-do beginner. In other words- Luck. Can you pull off any cool maneuvers like your friend over here could? Show off -- prove -- any real technical aptitude?" 

    "How do you know she could pull off maneuvers? I thought you didn't get here until a few minutes ago, when it was only you and me. Were you- Were you watching us?" 

    Cyan-Diorite pinched the bridge of his nose, then cocked his head back against the headrest of his car's seat. "The forest of Ajax has some... interesting legends to it. One of them proved to be true. It hides well the dark creatures of the night." 

    "Are you insinuating that you're a dark creature? Hmph, I'd like to say 'I don't follow', but, I think I do, all too well." Tanaka marveled at the man's short, light-blue hair. 

     "Perhaps, and if I am to be a dark creature, what would that make you?" 

     Tanaka slowed down his car, putting it in reverse and eyeing the strange man through his window. 

     He clenched his teeth, despite having made it past the finish-line. "I don't really care about stuff like that. Save your lofty philosophies for someone else, 'cuz I only care about driving and this town that lets me drive!" 

     "It is an outdated form of transportation when we have things like mechs and trains." 

     "What if I don't wanna be a pilot for some grandiose mech? What then?" 

     "Hm. I see you do not listen to reason and progress. You do not see just how dangerous your cars are to the environment." 

     "Hmph! I guess I can't win the moral ground with you there, so fine. I accept your challenge. You said you wanted me to test out some maneuvers? Curl and curve around this road?" Tanaka put his right hand over the frontal vents of the AC in his car. 

     "Tanaka, what? No!" Marian threw her arm out. "I fucking object!" 

     "Are you sure you accept my challenge, Tanaka?" The buff man laughed, nodding over to Marian's protests. 

     "Yes. Yes, I accept." Tanaka steeled himself. "Just now -- Hmph, you may not believe this -- I achieved what's known to many as the 'divine state'." He brought up a fist to his chin chin. "If I concentrate hard enough... if I become one with the present-moment... I can do anything."

    "The divine-state? Oh, I guess I'm in trouble now!" The stranger rolled his eyes, wiggling his fingers. "Alright, kid. Let's go! I'm eager to challenge you, and exercise my skepticism over just how 'divine' a polluting, planet-destroying vehicle can really be." 

     Tanaka snapped his head quickly from the window of his car to the windshield's view of the forest. If I just concentrate, I can do anything. I'm going to achieve my dreams! If Charlie wants to be a cook... if Marissa, at one point, wanted to be a critic... if Nora wants to be a professional blogger... then I can do this! I don't know why those three are taking up space in my motivations right now- They never have before, but... it feels right.

     Marian folded her hands together. You dumbshit. You better not hurt yourself!


Phrenology: E-Lunar (3) Route A (MANUSCRIPT)Where stories live. Discover now