Chapter 2, Turn 4

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    "You're no mysterious girl, are you?" On a windy Sunday night, Cuprite looked a peculiar woman straight in the eyes. "I remember you. That text you sent... was undeniably familiar. I could imagine that it was... from her."

    "I'm not sure how to respond to that." The girl looked at the young man, the two standing in complete darkness outside of a familiar apartment-complex. The balconies and windows were covered in bright decor, lighting up a very vacuous night. 

    "I knew you at one point, didn't I? I knew you!" Cuprite crossed his arms initially, then quickly pointed at the girl in front of him. His fingers seemed to fit well inside his black gloves. "We ended on bad terms, and I never had closure. Never had an inch -- an ounce -- of vindication. Because of that, I started to wonder if I even met you- If you were even real. Nobody involved in my life, or even connected to the people who I know, ever mentioned you. I couldn't help but romanticize you as some story that would drift off into the horizon. But you're- You're very real, aren't you? And you're no mystery. It doesn't matter- It doesn't matter if I didn't get closure with you, I know that you're someone who has some sort of complex, just as the rest of us do. A complex... complex enough for you to text me after you knew I'd had some sort of meeting with the Inquisitor." 

    "Nice monologue, Cuprite. Ya caught me. Yes, we went to Eddington Academy together, a long time ago." The woman laughed, her chocolate-colored hair bouncing in the night air. "Now, I'm sure you're wondering why I texted you that message to come here. Also, you're giving me this weird look, like I'm short or something. Could you stop that?" 

    "Yeah, about that message- I have a lot of guesses as to why you messaged me like that, Scarlet-Andesite. I have a lot of things running through my head right now, ya see. I should be chatting it up with Rouge-Adakite. Nice girl. Me and her have... some plans." A corner of the young agent's forehead began to swell with a crimson surf to it, a few veins popping up in that spot. 

    "Cuprite, I want to leave the organization. And I have this strange feeling that you do too. Maybe, if we successfully pull it off, we could, perhaps, talk about that... lack of closure?" Scarlet sighed a sigh. "I've been giving the Inquisitor blueprints to some awesome means of public transportation which would make the illegality of private transportation all the more enticing and reasonable. He may soon get to a point where he doesn't need me anymore. I feel like I've helped him... all too much. All too well." 

    "Yeah?" Cuprite raised his right eyebrow. What the actual hell is up with all these people wanting to leave the organization?

    "I'm not interested in this 'venture' anymore. It's too stressing and... life will start to get needlessly stressing if I keep this up- If we keep this up. I might need to get a cup of coffee to hold in my hand- Stress-reliver, yanno." 

    "Shouldn't you've thought of that before you joined up with this organization? It's not just some walk in the park. Well, it actually can be sometimes. But only if it's a mission to walk on the park. So, I don't know how I can trust you." 

    "I could say the same to you. Besides, what reasons do you think the Inquisitor has for getting rid of private transportation anyway?" Scarlet's face wilted into a soft sob. 

    "He... seems to- Oh God, don't cry. It'll be alright, promise. Uh, anyway, he seems to just like walking around with some sort of vendetta against the world. He's a dangerous man, that's for sure. A mad one, really. He himself has organized all of us together like this." Cuprite cleared his throat just then. "Scarlet, if you want to leave the organization... then join the club. Because, as I said, I've already got 'plans' with Rouge-Adakite. Together, us three could just up and leave one day. It'll be that simple." 

    "I'm impressed. So... you've already been planning this, then." Scarlet-Andesite chewed on her bottom lip. 

    "That I have. Of course, we can't just up and leave the organization. I guess it won't be that simple. We'll have to, um, you know, like-" 

    "Fake our untimely demises?" 

    "Quick answer, but, alright, I'll take it! Couldn't have said it better myself." The right end of Cuprite's lip popped up into a grin. "Oh, and... funny story, really. I have reason to believe that I've seen Rouge-Adakite at Eddington Academy. A blonde and curvy woman... who likes the hell out of some orange juice." 


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