Chapter 1, Turn 3

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    "There's a special kind of place in hell for people like you." Charlie began to talk dirty with Jonah, one wintry and late afternoon, as school got out, and the usual club meetings began once more that day. 

    "Hey all." Tanaka waved, getting in a bit later than everyone else, yet again, on this breezy Wednesday

    "Tanaka!" The professors and students waved back, their hands occupied with dishes, delights, and delectable treats. 

    "Tanaka!" Nora ran to Tanaka with a mug of coffee in her hand. "Hug! Now."

    "Oh, okay!" Tanaka went along with hugging Nora, who, surprisingly, kept the mug of coffee well balanced in her hand. "You're good at this."

    "Good? At hugging?" Nora smiled, blinking, pulling away and looking up into her tan friend's  eyes. 

    "Running at someone aggressively whilst not spilling a drop of coffee, I was thinking." Tanaka wagged his finger. 

    "Oh." The chocolaty-haired girl looked down at her shoes. 

    "Hm? Something wrong?" 

    "Well, not particularly- Oh hey, here comes Marissa!" 

    Through the double front-doors of the Eddington's Cooking-Club's room, one of the more attractive women in the high school made her entrance very known. Long, curly, blonde hair, light blue eyes that held promises, a thick body practically made for cuddling, were all aspects to soon find themselves finished off by straight-white teeth and a nose stud. 

    Marissa Singer, one of the most envied girls in all of Eddington Academy, sauntered into the club's room. Despite the heavily, heavily inappropriate age-difference between them, even Ms. Henderson couldn't help but hungrily gawk at Marissa's busty allure. 

    "Afternoon." Marissa waved to everyone, her voice breathy.

    "Hey, Marissa! Hold on. We need- Wait! We need you to come help us with the tart!" The voice of Charlie vibrated from afar. "Get back here! Sister, you are so not cute with your sassy ignoring-bouts!" 

    "Like she listens to anyone anyway." Jonah crossed his arms. 

    Charlie winked, laying on his flamboyant lisp thickly. "You're so sexy when you cross your arms, you know that?" 

    "Once again, I'd like some eggbeaters, you two." Kevin, suddenly, walked in between his two boyfriends. 

    "Hi!" A number of feet away from the three poly-amorous boys, Nora waved to Marissa, the two girls soon to share a feminine embrace. 

    Nora, once again, managed to not spill her mug of coffee. 

    Holy shit how does she do that? Tanaka's eyes widened. 

    "How've you been?" Marissa put a hand to Nora's shoulder.

    "Fine. Just chillin' out in this gigantic kitchen." Nora pointed to a sign which hung from the ceiling of the room that said 'Cooking Club' in large letters. "Also been posting pictures and the like up on my blog every so often." 

    "Oh, girl, I love your blog! You tend to give interesting reviews and critiques- Seems about right." Marissa ogled at the giant sign, then turned to Charlie and Jonah, who were play-fighting over who'd give Kevin a pair of eggbeaters. 

    "Never mind, I got'em. Thanks, Ms. Henderson." Kevin covered his face with the palm of his hand. 

     "Anytime, darling." The teacher winked. 

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