Chapter 2: Turn 2

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    "So, what was that?" Apricot-Enderbite tightened his lips toward a figure, during a rainy, spring evening. "You wanna... run that all that by me again? That sure was a mouthful, bro." It was a petite Saturday as he rubbed the side of his white hair.

    "My 'dream' -- as silly as that sounds, bro -- is to have a settled-down life. With a dad who moved around a lot... and a brother who faked his own fucking death to join some rogue organization... do you really think I'm all that crazy for moving in with my two best- I mean, boyfriends?" Throwing his hands out as he spoke, Kevin Ahlstrom's eyes watered. 

    "Hm, I get it now. You're not really a homosexual, are you? Let alone polygamous." 

     Kevin held his breath. "I- I'm not even sure, okay? Jonah and Charlie are dear to me, but... I've never actually, really... done anything sexual with them before. I've been playing it off like I'm some tsundere, but really-" 

     "But really, you're lying to them? To two young men who have their hearts and goals invested in you. Bro, we've alotta catching up to do, don't we?" 

     "Ugh, I know. But... I just want a settled life! And that's exactly what Jonah and Charlie promise!" 

     "Sure they do, sure. Everybody promises a settled life." Apricot laughed, tossing his right hand out to the side. 

     "Hikaru, listen to me, because I'll only say this once. If you quit this organization now and come live with us... you can have what you want, too." 

     "And what is it that I want, Kevin?" 

     "Before you... 'died'... I remember you saying you wanted to study Theatre. You can achieve that!" 

     "Thanks, but I'll pass. I'm already a cast member of my own production! Rather, you should join me instead. Come join the organization, it'll be just like old times. Role-playing in the basement, only... this is, what some may call in the marketing business, 'real'." 

     "How will joining an illegal syndicate be just like old times? I think you may need to run all that by me again, bro." 

      "How will joining the syndicate be just like old times, you ask? Because you'll be a part of a family led by a man who doesn't tell his underlings what the fuck is going on half the time, just like how our real dad was! The 'Inquisitor' is a joke... with a stupid, gay daddy-kink." 

      "H- Hikaru. I'm... sorry, but I have a friend. Tanaka Williamson. He loves to drive, almost more than anything, and I won't let you get in the way of his dream." 

     "Hmph. Pulling all sorts of stops out of the hat, I see. Fine, bro. So, should I just go then?" Apricot-Enderbite turned on his heel. 

     "No, stay. I wanna fight you." Kevin clenched his fist, his eyes widening. 

     His breath going rapid, the young man's chest was starting to go up and down quickly. Raising his eyebrows multiple times, Kevin gritted his teeth. Walking closer to his older brother, Kevin's yellow eyes narrowed. His arms trembled and his legs wobbled. Opening his mouth, a ferocious and exhausted breath escaped Kevin's throat. 

    "P- Please."

     "A fight? Kevin, I don't know if you know this, but I was partly responsible for bringing down two agents who recently betrayed our organization. You wouldn't wanna fight me, little brother. I promise you." 

      "I don't care! You betrayed our family! You estranged dad and I! I can't let you go on without... making you know... what kind of agony and grief we had to go through. How lonely and empty we felt. And now I know... it was all a rouse, and you didn't care. You didn't care about the life you left behind!" 

     "I see. So, you plan on beating me within an inch of my life or something?" 

     "I plan on holding you to your façade. You may have faked your death, but now I'll make sure it turns out to be very real." 

      "So, let me get this straight... you won't join a crime syndicate... but you'll murder your brother in cold blood, because you were so sad that you thought he died, no less?" 

      "You're not my brother, anymore. You're- You're someone else! Hikaru Ahlstrom... died a long time ago. Right now, I'll be fighting Apricot-Enderbite.

     "Right, right. How poetic!" Kevin's older brother quickly grabbed him by the collar. "Well then, prepare to be choked. The fact that you romanticize our father... gets a little too irritating for me, bro." 


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