Chapter 1: Turn 4

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        "This is bad. You see that guy over there?" Charlie whispered to his two other boyfriends.

     The silhouette of a man wearing a hat walked along the indoor park. His steps echoed across the sounds of streaming water. Shoes splashing into damp concrete, the man inhaled.  

    "Where are we?" Jonah sobbed, tears running across his face. "It's... been a few days now. I should've called the cops sooner, but I just thought... that that white-haired guy would save us. I... shouldn't have trusted that hunch." 

    Kevin, lying on the wet floor, crossed his arms behind his head. "The white-haired guy? Also, I know we haven't in a... while... but... Jonah, that guy was probably my brother."  

    "Didn't you say your brother w- was dead?" Jonah turned.

    "Right, forgot to mention... he's not. He's... dead to me." 

     Jonah shook his head and shivered from low blood-sugar. "The hell kinda bullshit-" 

    "Oh, my, what's this? I hear the nerve-racking voices of three young men. Three young men... who thought they were in for a treat! But then... the doors closed... and now, no one knows... what became of the three young men." A very deep voice rolled and boomed off the walls and slides of park. 

     It was closed, once again, for the night, though it had been closed for a few days. It was almost abandoned, yet the three boys were not alone... despite this park seeming like a maze. An untenable maze.  

    "Who's that?" Charlie held Jonah's hands. 

    "Me? I'm a humble man. I came from an... explosion. Didn't we all? After all, this solar system... the galaxy... and the universe... were all made from a big... bang. Supposedly, that is!" The strange man spoke low.  

    "What?" Kevin arose from the floor. "I don't have time for this- We... don't have time for this. Let us out!" 

    The shadowy silhouette of the stranger laughed. "I'm not sure you want out. Into that world? Into the world of cars and madly broken hearts? Into that world where... good women die... for no good reasons? Where good men go to be split in two? Ah, perhaps, boys like you should just stay right where you are." 

    "You don't know me!" Kevin ran to the silhouette. 

    "Kevin!" Charlie stuck his hand out to grasp the air. "Come... back." 

    Jonah shrugged. "That was just impulsive, my man."  

    "I may not know you, yes. I may not know all the cells and genes that make up your personality. It's true that I do not really know all of the things that encompass your soul, either. But, I know your 'type'. Your brother... oh, he's a fine one. He's told me all about you." 

    "My brother? What do you mean 'my brother'? What'd you do?" 

    "Oh, nothing. By the way, Kevin, you can call me... Bartholomew Mac." 

    "Wait a minute... have I seen you around somewhere before?" Kevin squinted, taking in the man's top-hat, black, collared jacket, white undershirt, and large, green eyes. 

    "Have you? Think hard, boy. Have you, really?" 

    "You look like... the manager at the Café Merlot. Weirder yet, your figure... looks like the mysterious CEO of... Hinge Corporate. The guy who wrote that success-book." 

    "Oh, how they catch on so quick for being so young."


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