Chapter 1, Turn 4

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    "This snow is... really beautiful. I just love Wednesday nights like these." Cuprite's slim silhouette now revealed a young man with black hair, brown eyes, pale skin, and a dark-black, agent-esque suit.

    "Yeah. We used to never get any snow where I grew up." A female whom Cuprite was walking with, her curvy figure and beautiful face bathing under the glow of some street-lamps, had her hands in her pockets. 

    The two young adults walked on down a narrow road during midnight, when no one was out. Everyone was coddled in their beds... as these two souls restlessly trekked the sights of Little Japan. Cuprite walked close to this woman, as she herself seemingly paid no attention to this, but rather looked on down the street, blanketed -- as it were -- in white. Houses were smothered in an ivory frost. 

    "Heh, I go through phases of absolutely hating the winter, to absolutely adoring it." The young man turned his head to look at a building in the near distance. The architecture had an imprinted sign which said, 'Eddington Secondary Academy'. "Needless to say, where I'm from, I'm quite familiar with snow." 

    "Hm. Alright, so, when are we going to stop talking about snow and start conversing about more important things?" The girl scratched her elbow, now having delicately removed her hands from the impregnable confines of her pockets. 

    "Important things? It's, like, midnight right now, yo. Important things can wait for later. You don't wanna enjoy the scenery?"

    "Hm, then you really have no reason to come be by my side other than to talk as friends? No important discussions to be had as... colleagues? No news from the organization? You just wanted to shoot the breeze? Talk about anything, like movies, politics, or... orange juice? You're not even trying to body-guard me?" 

    "Well, body-guard sounds like it could be fun. Tee-hee." Cuprite put an open hand to his ear, turning back to face the woman. 

    "I see. Well, Cuprite, I have a question." The woman suddenly grabbed the agent's hand.

    "H- Huh?" 

    "I've been wondering about it for a while now. You see, as I've been bonding with the other agents as of late, I've wanted to know everyone's real names. After a while, it seems a bit too silly for me to keep calling you 'Cuprite' and for you to constantly refer to me as 'Rouge-Adakite', does it not?" The woman's blonde hair swayed in the wind. 

    Cuprite's eyes widened as he blushed. "Maybe." 

    "Hm. You sound like you won't tell me then, will you? You'll be too loyal to our little 'boss'." Rouge-Adakite's somewhat husky voice went on. 

    "A- Actually..." Cuprite chewed on his bottom lip. "... I'm thinking of leaving the organization."


    "The boss- He actually did send me to talk to you tonight. To pick up any 'intel' you might have. Suspects you to be a traitor and all... but in reality-

    "So that's the real reason you came?" Rouge-Adakite's face grew visibly red, despite the almost light-canceling night, and ripped her hand away from Cuprite's.

    Cuprite put a finger to his lips. "Whoa, easy! We don't wanna be found out. This neighborhood wouldn't take kindly to two people walking around in all-black in the middle of the night." 

    "I just thought-" Rouge-Adakite looked down to the snow. It was now melting, slowly, and becoming mushy to the touch of her shoes. The night air was cold, but crisp, and still, not chilly. "I just thought... that you had feelings for me. Real feelings." 

    "I-" Cuprite blushed. "Eheh, let's not get off topic here, okay? I was aboutta tell ya that I'm leaving the organization. Truly, I'm the Judas in the midst. I can't stand the boss anymore. I don't wanna be part of an organization which tries to strip the agencies of people away. So, I can't just give you my real name, unless you promise to leave as well. Rouge-Adakite, can I trust you? I've already told you quite a bit." 

    "Cuprite, do you have real feelings for me or not?" The woman glared down the man's eyes as the two souls stood in the snow, both of their bountiful figures highlighted by street-lights. 

    "If I say that I've always found you to be as beautiful as this wintry night, what would you think? Now, let's run away together. I wanna run away... with you."     


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