Chapter 1: Turn 3

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    "Alright, hello everyone! Now, it's time to bake something else that'll be absolutely amazing!" Charlie Monolow did a bow as he introduced the next set of events for the cooking club, revealing a dark-pink brochure to everyone in the room.

    "You know, have you ever noticed that we tend to be the only ones who cook a lot in this club?" Jonah sighed, running a hand through his ginger hair. 

    "Well..." Charlie looked around, his flamboyant, blonde bangs waving from side to side. "... that's not my problem that everyone looks at us like a bunch of bimbos who can cook!" 

     "Bimbos is a strange word." Kevin muttered, looking off to the side. 

     "Your last name is strange." Teased Jonah on that lovely Monday afternoon, flicking the air near Kevin's face. 

      "Thanks." Kevin fixed his bangs. 

     "Hey, you guys should make some home-made tater tots!" a random voice, from the sea of newcomers to the club, shouted. 

      "Uh." Jonah put his finger to his chin in thought. "Maybe?" 

      "That's... kind of an interesting idea, actually?" Charlie shook his waist. 

      Jonah winked. "You're so fucking cute when you do that!" 

     "Well, you'd be so much more princely if you didn't swear so much..." Charlie winked as he shook his waist even more, turning Jonah on with every passing second. "... but then again, hearing you say 'fucking' like that does harden the ol' stifferooni." 

     "You know, times like these, I'd usually be looking for the eggbeaters, but Ms. Henderson has been... missing-in-action... so they say." Kevin ran his fingers through his jet-black hair. "You know, my mom Christin really liked that teacher, too." 

     "It's so hot when he does that! Whenever Kevin runs his fingers through that enchanting mane of his... it just makes me want to have his fingers ran through mine!" came another, random exclamation from the ocean of newcomers. 

     "Your hair's gonna get all over the food, you dolt!" Charlie put his hand out. 

     "Shouldn't I be the one to scold someone? After all, I am the... kuudere, after all. After all, after all." Kevin smirked. 

     "He does have a point," Jonah shrugged. "after all. Which he made about... four times just now." 

      Away from the fun scenes of the three boys, yet right next to them, stood Mr. Miguel and Tanaka in a deep conversation which was reaching its conclusion. 

     "So, you understand, not to be so scared anymore? Take that fear... and take action with it." The Hispanic professor held Tanaka by the shoulders and looked him -- almost uncomfortably --, in the eyes. 

     "I understand. I'll be taking my driver's test real soon. It'll be in Ajax, since driving is... illegal here." 

     "Ajax, huh? Interesting choice! It's the closest city to the west of Little Japan." Mr. Miguel smiled. 

     Never before had this professor felt quite as 'at home' as when he discussed things with his students. He was always an overarching man who talked about bombastic topics in his history classes. He wanted the world to know that Robespierre, given the right circumstances, could've been as calm -- and as collected -- as Noam Chomsky. But it was often so soullessly formal.  

     Yet here... he felt as though he was speaking to a friend! 

     He and Tanaka almost looked related to a certain extent. They seemed to play on the same ethnicity, save for the fact that Mr. Miguel's eyes were of a very, very, very different color. Nonetheless, the professor also had a knack for understanding the mapping out of all of Ontario's cities. 

     Tanaka scratched at his sideburns. "Marian's from there, so, you know. She's been fillin' me in on all the cool places I can drive around- Like doing local derby races, too. You don't need a permit or a license for those!" 

     "Ms. Theodora sounds like a great friend. You keep her close, alright?" Mr. Miguel nodded. 

     "Mhm. Definitely!" Tanaka nodded in return.


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